Pantelis M. Papadopoulos, Ph.D
Pantelis M. Papadopoulos, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of Learning, Data Analytics, and Technology, University of Twente
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The effect of scaffolding students’ context-generating cognitive activity in technology-enhanced case-based learning
SN Demetriadis, PM Papadopoulos, IG Stamelos, F Fischer
Computers & Education 51 (2), 939-954, 2008
Conversational agents for academically productive talk: A comparison of directed and undirected agent interventions
S Tegos, S Demetriadis, PM Papadopoulos, A Weinberger
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 11 (4 …, 2016
Tangible and graphical programming with experienced children: A mixed methods analysis
T Sapounidis, S Demetriadis, PM Papadopoulos, D Stamovlasis
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 19, 67-78, 2019
The value of writing-to-learn when using question prompts to support web-based learning in ill-structured domains
PM Papadopoulos, SN Demetriadis, IG Stamelos, IA Tsoukalas
Educational Technology Research and Development 59, 71-90, 2011
How to improve the peer review method: Free-selection vs assigned-pair protocol evaluated in a computer networking course
PM Papadopoulos, TD Lagkas, SN Demetriadis
Computers & Education 59 (2), 182-195, 2012
Selecting and Evaluating a Learning Management System: A Moodle Evaluation Based on Instructors and Students.
SN Konstantinidis, A., Papadopoulos, P. M., Tsiatsos
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies 9 (3), 13 - 30, 2011
‘Make it explicit!’: Improving collaboration through increase of script coercion
PM Papadopoulos, SN Demetriadis, A Weinberger
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 29 (4), 383-398, 2013
Integrating research and teaching in the IS classroom: Benefits for teachers and students
N Obwegeser, PM Papadopoulos
Journal of Information Systems Education 27 (4), 249-258, 2016
Prompting students’ context-generating cognitive activity in ill-structured domains: does the prompting mode affect learning?
PM Papadopoulos, SN Demetriadis, IG Stamelos, IA Tsoukalas
Educational Technology Research and Development 57, 193-210, 2009
Towards integrating conversational agents and learning analytics in MOOCs
S Demetriadis, A Karakostas, T Tsiatsos, S Caballé, Y Dimitriadis, ...
Advances in Internet, Data & Web Technologies: The 6th International …, 2018
Conversational agents as group-teacher interaction mediators in MOOCs
S Demetriadis, S Tegos, G Psathas, T Tsiatsos, A Weinberger, S Caballé, ...
2018 Learning With MOOCS (LWMOOCS), 43-46, 2018
Enhancing software engineering education through open source projects: Four years of students’ perspectives
PM Papadopoulos, IG Stamelos, A Meiszner
Education and Information Technologies 18, 381-397, 2013
Research integration in information systems education: Students' perceptions on learning strategies, skill development, and performance
A Natsis, PM Papadopoulos, N Obwegeser
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 17, 345-363, 2018
How revealing rankings affects student attitude and performance in a peer review learning environment
PM Papadopoulos, T Lagkas, SN Demetriadis
Computer Supported Education: 7th International Conference, CSEDU 2015 …, 2016
Technology-enhanced peer review: Benefits and implications of providing multiple reviews
PM Papadopoulos, TD Lagkas, SN Demetriadis
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 20 (3), 69-81, 2017
Enriching feedback in audience response systems: Analysis and implications of objective and subjective metrics on students' performance and attitudes
PM Papadopoulos, A Natsis, N Obwegeser, A Weinberger
Journal of computer assisted learning 35 (2), 305-316, 2019
Analyzing the role of student's self-organization in a case of scripted collaboration
PM Papadopoulos, SN Demetriadis, IG Stamelos
8th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning …, 2009
Intelligent systems and learning data analytics in online education
S Caballé, SN Demetriadis, E Gómez-Sánchez, PM Papadopoulos, ...
Academic Press, 2021
Innovation and entrepreneurship in education
PM Papadopoulos, R Burger, A Faria
Emerald Group Publishing, 2016
The effect of prompting to students with different learning styles
PM Papadopoulos, SN Demetriadis, IG Stamelos, IA Tsoukalas
Multicultural Education & Technology Journal 4 (3), 198-213, 2010
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