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Tersedia di suatu tempat: 6
The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models
L Shi, G Campbell, WD Jones, F Campagne, Z Wen, SJ Walker, Z Su, ...
Nature biotechnology 28 (8), 827-838, 2010
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health
The concordance between RNA-seq and microarray data depends on chemical treatment and transcript abundance
C Wang, B Gong, PR Bushel, J Thierry-Mieg, D Thierry-Mieg, J Xu, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (9), 926-932, 2014
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health
Landscape of conditional eQTL in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and co-localization with schizophrenia GWAS
A Dobbyn, LM Huckins, J Boocock, LG Sloofman, BS Glicksberg, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 102 (6), 1169-1184, 2018
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Veterans Affairs
The interplay between individual social behavior and clinical symptoms in small clustered groups
P Poletti, R Visintainer, B Lepri, S Merler
BMC infectious diseases 17, 1-8, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
A comprehensive study design reveals treatment-and transcript abundance–dependent concordance between rna-seq and microarray data
C Wang, B Gong, PR Bushel, J Thierry-Mieg, D Thierry-Mieg, J Xu, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (9), 926, 2014
Mandat: US National Institutes of Health
DGW: an exploratory data analysis tool for clustering and visualisation of epigenomic marks
S Lukauskas, R Visintainer, G Sanguinetti, GB Schweikert
BMC bioinformatics 17, 53-63, 2016
Mandat: European Commission
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