Scanning micromirror platform based on MEMS technology for medical application E Pengwang, K Rabenorosoa, M Rakotondrabe, N Andreff Micromachines 7 (2), 24, 2016 | 110 | 2016 |
Robotic microassembly and micromanipulation at FEMTO-ST J Agnus, N Chaillet, C Clévy, S Dembélé, M Gauthier, Y Haddab, ... Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics 8 (2), 91-106, 2013 | 105 | 2013 |
Robust feedforward-feedback control of a nonlinear and oscillating 2-DOF piezocantilever M Rakotondrabe, K Rabenorosoa, J Agnus, N Chaillet IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 8 (3), 506-519, 2011 | 73 | 2011 |
Towards micro-assembly of hybrid MOEMS components on a reconfigurable silicon free-space micro-optical bench S Bargiel, K Rabenorosoa, C Clevy, C Gorecki, P Lutz Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 20 (4), 045012, 2010 | 71 | 2010 |
4D printing: Enabling technology for microrobotics applications G Adam, A Benouhiba, K Rabenorosoa, C Clévy, DJ Cappelleri Advanced Intelligent Systems 3 (5), 2000216, 2021 | 67 | 2021 |
A review of SMA-based actuators for bidirectional rotational motion: application to origami robots K Hu, K Rabenorosoa, M Ouisse Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 678486, 2021 | 62 | 2021 |
Eye-in-hand visual servoing of concentric tube robots AV Kudryavtsev, MT Chikhaoui, A Liadov, P Rougeot, F Spindler, ... IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (3), 2315-2321, 2018 | 62 | 2018 |
Kinematics and performance analysis of a novel concentric tube robotic structure with embedded soft micro-actuation MT Chikhaoui, K Rabenorosoa, N Andreff Mechanism and Machine Theory 104, 234-254, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
Endoscopic laser surgery: Design, modeling, and control R Renevier, B Tamadazte, K Rabenorosoa, L Tavernier, N Andreff IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (1), 99-106, 2016 | 48 | 2016 |
4D Thermomechanical metamaterials for soft microrobotics Q Ji, J Moughames, X Chen, G Fang, JJ Huaroto, V Laude, JAI Martínez, ... Communications Materials 2 (1), 93, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Automated guiding task of a flexible micropart using a two-sensing-finger microgripper B Komati, K Rabenorosoa, C Clévy, P Lutz IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (3), 515-524, 2013 | 39 | 2013 |
Study of forces during microassembly tasks using two-sensing-fingers grippers K Rabenorosoa, C Clevy, Q Chen, P Lutz IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 17 (5), 811-821, 2011 | 36 | 2011 |
Active force control for robotic micro-assembly: Application to guiding tasks K Rabenorosoa, C Clévy, P Lutz 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2137-2142, 2010 | 36 | 2010 |
Origami-based auxetic tunable Helmholtz resonator for noise control A Benouhiba, P Rougeot, N Andreff, K Rabenorosoa, M Ouisse Smart Materials and Structures 30 (3), 035029, 2021 | 32 | 2021 |
μRALP and beyond: Micro-technologies and systems for robot-assisted endoscopic laser microsurgery LS Mattos, A Acemoglu, A Geraldes, A Laborai, A Schoob, B Tamadazte, ... Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 664655, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |
Measurement of pull-off force for planar contact at the microscale K Rabenorosoa, C Clévy, P Lutz, M Gauthier, P Rougeot Micro & Nano Letters 4 (3), 148-154, 2009 | 30 | 2009 |
Adaptive Helmholtz resonator based on electroactive polymers: Modeling, characterization, and control A Abbad, K Rabenorosoa, M Ouisse, N Atalla Smart Materials and Structures 27 (10), 105029, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Kinematic analysis of magnetic continuum robots using continuation method and bifurcation analysis Q Peyron, Q Boehler, K Rabenorosoa, BJ Nelson, P Renaud, N Andreff IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (4), 3646-3653, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Precise motion control of a piezoelectric microgripper for microspectrometer assembly K Rabenorosoa, C Cle´ vy, P Lutz, AN Das, R Murthy, D Popa International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Performances analysis of piezoelectric cantilever based energy harvester devoted to mesoscale intra-body robot K Rabenorosoa, M Rakotondrabe Next-generation robotics II; and machine intelligence and bio-inspired …, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |