Auke Barnhoorn
Auke Barnhoorn
Associate Professor in Applied Geophysics and Petrophysics, Delft University of Technology
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The role of recrystallisation on the deformation behaviour of calcite rocks: large strain torsion experiments on Carrara marble
A Barnhoorn, M Bystricky, L Burlini, K Kunze
Journal of Structural Geology 26 (5), 885-903, 2004
Dissolution-reprecipitation of zircon at low-temperature, high-pressure conditions (Lanzo Massif, Italy)
D Rubatto, O Muentener, A Barnhoorn, C Gregory
American Mineralogist 93 (10), 1519-1529, 2008
Ultrasonic velocity and attenuation anisotropy of shales, Whitby, United Kingdom
A Zhubayev, ME Houben, DMJ Smeulders, A Barnhoorn
Geophysics 81 (1), D45-D56, 2015
P⿢ V⿢ T relation of MgO derived by simultaneous elastic wave velocity and in situ X-ray measurements: A new pressure scale for the mantle transition region
Y Kono, T Irifune, Y Higo, T Inoue, A Barnhoorn
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 183 (1-2), 196-211, 2010
Super‐silicic garnet microstructures from an orogenic garnet peridotite, evidence for an ultra‐deep (> 6 GPa) origin
V Roermund, Drury, Barnhoorn, D Ronde
Journal of metamorphic Geology 18 (2), 135-147., 2000
Relict majoritic garnet microstructures from ultra-deep orogenic peridotites in western Norway
HLM Van Roermund, MR Drury, A Barnhoorn, A De Ronde
Journal of Petrology 42 (1), 117-130, 2001
Seismic properties of Anita Bay dunite: an exploratory study of the influence of water
Y Aizawa, A Barnhoorn, UH Faul, JD Fitz Gerald, I Jackson, IÁ Kovács
Journal of Petrology 49 (4), 841-855, 2008
Wettability evaluation of silty shale caprocks for CO 2 storage
NS Kaveh, A Barnhoorn, KH Wolf
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 49, 425-435, 2016
Porosity, permeability and 3D fracture network characterisation of dolomite reservoir rock samples
M Voorn, U Exner, A Barnhoorn, P Baud, T Reuschlé
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 127, 270-285, 2015
Glacial isostatic adjustment model with composite 3-D Earth rheology for Fennoscandia
W van der Wal, A Barnhoorn, P Stocchi, S Gradmann, P Wu, M Drury, ...
Geophysical Journal International 194 (1), 61-77, 2013
Strain dependent variation of microstructure and texture in naturally deformed Carrara marble
N Oesterling, R Heilbronner, H Stünitz, A Barnhoorn, G Molli
Journal of Structural Geology 29 (4), 681-696, 2007
Post-deformational annealing of calcite rocks
A Barnhoorn, M Bystricky, L Burlini, K Kunze
Tectonophysics 403 (1-4), 167-191, 2005
Strain localisation in bimineralic rocks: experimental deformation of synthetic calcite–anhydrite aggregates
A Barnhoorn, M Bystricky, K Kunze, L Burlini, JP Burg
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240 (3-4), 748-763, 2005
Late Cretaceous extensional denudation along a marble detachment fault zone in the Kırşehir massif near Kaman, central Turkey
C Lefebvre, A Barnhoorn, DJJ van Hinsbergen, N Kaymakci, RLM Vissers
Journal of Structural Geology 33 (8), 1220-1236, 2011
Stress-and fluid-driven failure during fracture array growth: Implications for coupled deformation and fluid flow in the crust
A Barnhoorn, SF Cox, DJ Robinson, T Senden
Geology 38 (9), 779-782, 2010
Non‐silicate inclusions in garnet from an ultra‐deep orogenic peridotite
HLM Van Roermund, MR Drury, A Barnhoorn, A De Ronde
Geological Journal 35 (3‐4), 209-229, 2000
The mechanical contrast between layers controls fracture containment in layered rocks
LANR Douma, JA Regelink, G Bertotti, QD Boersma, A Barnhoorn
Journal of Structural Geology 127, 103856, 2019
Microstructures of Early Jurassic (Toarcian) shales of Northern Europe
ME Houben, A Barnhoorn, L Wasch, J Trabucho-Alexandre, CJ Peach, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 165, 76-89, 2016
Mineral alteration and fracture influence on the elastic properties of volcaniclastic rocks
EL Durán, L Adam, IC Wallis, A Barnhoorn
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2019
Permeability evolution during shear zone initiation in low-porosity rocks
C Kluge, G Blöcher, A Barnhoorn, J Schmittbuhl, D Bruhn
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54 (10), 5221-5244, 2021
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