Testing standard and modular designs for psychotherapy treating depression, anxiety, and conduct problems in youth: A randomized effectiveness trial JR Weisz, BF Chorpita, LA Palinkas, SK Schoenwald, J Miranda, ... Archives of general psychiatry 69 (3), 274-282, 2012 | 1007 | 2012 |
Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders: A randomized, controlled trial JJ Wood, A Drahota, K Sze, K Har, A Chiu, DA Langer Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 50 (3), 224-234, 2009 | 888 | 2009 |
Youth top problems: Using idiographic, consumer-guided assessment to identify treatment needs and to track change during psychotherapy JR Weisz, BF Chorpita, A Frye, MY Ng, N Lau, SK Bearman, AM Ugueto, ... Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 79 (3), 369-380, 2011 | 421 | 2011 |
Acceptance and commitment therapy for anxiety disorders: Three case studies exemplifying a unified treatment protocol GH Eifert, JP Forsyth, J Arch, E Espejo, M Keller, D Langer Cognitive and behavioral practice 16 (4), 368-385, 2009 | 332 | 2009 |
Cognitive–behavioral therapy versus usual clinical care for youth depression: An initial test of transportability to community clinics and clinicians. JR Weisz, MA Southam-Gerow, EB Gordis, JK Connor-Smith, BC Chu, ... Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 77 (3), 383, 2009 | 276 | 2009 |
Socioeconomic status and health in adolescents: The role of stress interpretations E Chen, DA Langer, YE Raphaelson, KA Matthews Child development 75 (4), 1039-1052, 2004 | 263 | 2004 |
Evidence-base update for parenting stress measures in clinical samples LE Holly, AR Fenley, TK Kritikos, RA Merson, RR Abidin, DA Langer Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 48 (5), 685-705, 2019 | 260 | 2019 |
A longitudinal multilevel model analysis of the within-person and between-person effect of effortful engagement and academic self-efficacy on academic performance BM Galla, JJ Wood, E Tsukayama, K Har, AW Chiu, DA Langer Journal of School Psychology 52 (3), 295-308, 2014 | 241 | 2014 |
School attendance problems and youth psychopathology: Structural cross‐lagged regression models in three longitudinal data sets JJ Wood, SD Lynne‐Landsman, DA Langer, PA Wood, SL Clark, ... Child development 83 (1), 351-366, 2012 | 162 | 2012 |
Effectiveness of modular CBT for child anxiety in elementary schools. AW Chiu, DA Langer, BD McLeod, K Har, A Drahota, BM Galla, J Jacobs, ... School psychology quarterly 28 (2), 141, 2013 | 157 | 2013 |
Shared decision-making in youth mental health care: using the evidence to plan treatments collaboratively DA Langer, A Jensen-Doss Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 47 (5), 821-831, 2018 | 108 | 2018 |
Do treatment manuals undermine youth–therapist alliance in community clinical practice? DA Langer, BD McLeod, JR Weisz Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 79 (4), 427, 2011 | 103 | 2011 |
Mental health service use in schools and non-school-based outpatient settings: Comparing predictors of service use DA Langer, JJ Wood, PA Wood, AF Garland, J Landsverk, RL Hough School mental health 7, 161-173, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
A randomized clinical trial comparing family-focused treatment and individual supportive therapy for depression in childhood and early adolescence MC Tompson, CA Sugar, DA Langer, JR Asarnow Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 56 (6), 515-523, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
One year follow-up to modular cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of pediatric anxiety disorders in an elementary school setting BM Galla, JJ Wood, AW Chiu, DA Langer, J Jacobs, M Ifekwunigwe, ... Child Psychiatry & Human Development 43, 219-226, 2012 | 64 | 2012 |
Research Network on Youth Mental Health Testing standard and modular designs for psychotherapy treating depression, anxiety, and conduct problems in youth: A randomized … JR Weisz, BF Chorpita, LA Palinkas, SK Schoenwald, J Miranda, ... Archives of General Psychiatry 69 (3), 274-282, 2012 | 60 | 2012 |
Maternal depression and youth internalizing and externalizing symptomatology: severity and chronicity of past maternal depression and current maternal depressive symptoms EE O’Connor, DA Langer, MC Tompson Journal of abnormal child psychology 45, 557-568, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Editorial Statement About JCCAP’s 2023 Special Issue on Informant Discrepancies in Youth Mental Health Assessments: Observations, Guidelines, and Future … A De Los Reyes, CC Epkins, GJG Asmundson, TM Augenstein, ... Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 52 (1), 147-158, 2023 | 47 | 2023 |
Testing robustness of child STEPs effects with children and adolescents: A randomized controlled effectiveness trial JR Weisz, SK Bearman, AM Ugueto, JA Herren, SC Evans, DM Cheron, ... Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 49 (6), 883-896, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
The relationship between worry and dimensions of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents J Rabner, ND Mian, DA Langer, JS Comer, D Pincus Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy 45 (2), 124-138, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |