Weakening of rock salt by water during long-term creep JL Urai, CJ Spiers, HJ Zwart, GS Lister Nature 324 (6097), 554-557, 1986 | 546 | 1986 |
Experimental determination of constitutive parameters governing creep of rocksalt by pressure solution CJ Spiers, P Schutjens, RH Brzesowsky, CJ Peach, JL Liezenberg, ... Geological Society, London, Special Publications 54 (1), 215-227, 1990 | 422 | 1990 |
Grain size reduction by dynamic recrystallization: can it result in major rheological weakening? J De Bresser, J Ter Heege, C Spiers International Journal of Earth Sciences 90, 28-45, 2001 | 399 | 2001 |
Frictional‐viscous flow of phyllosilicate‐bearing fault rock: Microphysical model and implications for crustal strength profiles B Bos, CJ Spiers Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B2), ECV 1-1-ECV 1-13, 2002 | 324 | 2002 |
The effective viscosity of rocksalt: implementation of steady-state creep laws in numerical models of salt diapirism PE Van Keken, CJ Spiers, AP Van den Berg, EJ Muyzert Tectonophysics 225 (4), 457-476, 1993 | 284 | 1993 |
Seasonal energy storage for zero-emissions multi-energy systems via underground hydrogen storage P Gabrielli, A Poluzzi, GJ Kramer, C Spiers, M Mazzotti, M Gazzani Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 121, 109629, 2020 | 272 | 2020 |
Influence of crystal plastic deformation on dilatancy and permeability development in synthetic salt rock CJ Peach, CJ Spiers Tectonophysics 256 (1-4), 101-128, 1996 | 248 | 1996 |
Understanding induced seismicity D Elsworth, CJ Spiers, AR Niemeijer Science 354 (6318), 1380-1381, 2016 | 234 | 2016 |
Coastal spreading of olivine to control atmospheric CO2 concentrations: A critical analysis of viability SJT Hangx, CJ Spiers International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 3 (6), 757-767, 2009 | 230 | 2009 |
A microphysical model for strong velocity weakening in phyllosilicate‐bearing fault gouges AR Niemeijer, CJ Spiers Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B10), 2007 | 226 | 2007 |
On dynamic recrystallization during solid state flow: Effects of stress and temperature JHP De Bresser, CJ Peach, JPJ Reijs, CJ Spiers Geophysical Research Letters 25 (18), 3457-3460, 1998 | 219 | 1998 |
Fault rocks from the SAFOD core samples: implications for weakening at shallow depths along the San Andreas Fault, California RE Holdsworth, EWE Van Diggelen, CJ Spiers, JHP De Bresser, ... Journal of Structural Geology 33 (2), 132-144, 2011 | 215 | 2011 |
PoreFlow: A complex pore-network model for simulation of reactive transport in variably saturated porous media A Raoof, HM Nick, SM Hassanizadeh, CJ Spiers Computers & Geosciences 61, 160-174, 2013 | 203 | 2013 |
The effect of grain boundary water on deformation mechanisms and rheology of rocksalt during long-term deformation JL Urai, CJ Spiers The mechanical behavior of salt–understanding of THMC processes in salt, 149-158, 2017 | 199 | 2017 |
Flow and transport properties of salt rocks JL Urai, Z Schléder, CJ Spiers, PA Kukla Dynamics of complex intracontinental basins: The central European basin …, 2008 | 197 | 2008 |
The nature and importance of phyllonite development in crustal-scale fault cores: an example from the Median Tectonic Line, Japan SP Jefferies, RE Holdsworth, CAJ Wibberley, T Shimamoto, CJ Spiers, ... Journal of Structural Geology 28 (2), 220-235, 2006 | 195 | 2006 |
Influence of phyllosilicates on fault strength in the brittle-ductile transition: Insights from rock analogue experiments AR Niemeijer, CJ Spiers | 195 | 2005 |
Experimental investigation into the microstructural and mechanical evolution of phyllosilicate-bearing fault rock under conditions favouring pressure solution B Bos, CJ Spiers Journal of Structural Geology 23 (8), 1187-1202, 2001 | 193 | 2001 |
Strength characteristics of the r, f, and c slip systems in calcite JHP De Bresser, CJ Spiers Tectonophysics 272 (1), 1-23, 1997 | 193 | 1997 |
Compaction of granular calcite by pressure solution at room temperature and effects of pore fluid chemistry X Zhang, CJ Spiers International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 42 (7-8), 950-960, 2005 | 189 | 2005 |