Analyzing regulatory rules for privacy and security requirements T Breaux, A Antón IEEE transactions on software engineering 34 (1), 5-20, 2008 | 463 | 2008 |
Disagreeable privacy policies: Mismatches between meaning and users' understanding JR Reidenberg, T Breaux, LF Cranor, B French, A Grannis, JT Graves, ... Berkeley Tech. LJ 30, 39, 2015 | 433 | 2015 |
Towards regulatory compliance: Extracting rights and obligations to align requirements with regulations TD Breaux, MW Vail, AI Anton 14th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'06), 49-58, 2006 | 409 | 2006 |
Toward a framework for detecting privacy policy violations in android application code R Slavin, X Wang, MB Hosseini, J Hester, R Krishnan, J Bhatia, ... Proceedings of the 38th International conference on software engineering, 25-36, 2016 | 267 | 2016 |
Automating the extraction of rights and obligations for regulatory compliance N Kiyavitskaya, N Zeni, TD Breaux, AI Antón, JR Cordy, L Mich, ... Conceptual Modeling-ER 2008: 27th International Conference on Conceptual …, 2008 | 159 | 2008 |
Ambiguity in privacy policies and the impact of regulation JR Reidenberg, J Bhatia, TD Breaux, TB Norton The Journal of Legal Studies 45 (S2), S163-S190, 2016 | 130 | 2016 |
Guileak: Tracing privacy policy claims on user input data for android applications X Wang, X Qin, MB Hosseini, R Slavin, TD Breaux, J Niu Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, 37-47, 2018 | 129 | 2018 |
Eddy, a formal language for specifying and analyzing data flow specifications for conflicting privacy requirements TD Breaux, H Hibshi, A Rao Requirements Engineering 19, 281-307, 2014 | 126 | 2014 |
Analyzing goal semantics for rights, permissions, and obligations TD Breaux, AI Antón 13th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'05), 177-186, 2005 | 122 | 2005 |
The usable privacy policy project N Sadeh, A Acquisti, TD Breaux, LF Cranor, AM McDonald, ... Technical report, Technical Report, CMU-ISR-13-119, 2013 | 120 | 2013 |
A theory of vagueness and privacy risk perception J Bhatia, TD Breaux, JR Reidenberg, TB Norton 2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 26-35, 2016 | 110 | 2016 |
Semantic parameterization: A process for modeling domain descriptions TD Breaux, AI Antón, J Doyle ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 18 (2), 1-27, 2008 | 105 | 2008 |
Legal requirements acquisition for the specification of legally compliant information systems TD Breaux North Carolina State University, 2009 | 104 | 2009 |
Scaling requirements extraction to the crowd: Experiments with privacy policies TD Breaux, F Schaub 2014 IEEE 22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 163-172, 2014 | 88 | 2014 |
Deriving semantic models from privacy policies TD Breaux, AI Antón Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and …, 2005 | 79 | 2005 |
A distributed requirements management framework for legal compliance and accountability TD Breaux, AI Antón, EH Spafford computers & security 28 (1-2), 8-17, 2009 | 70 | 2009 |
Legal requirements, compliance and practice: an industry case study in accessibility TD Breaux, AI Antón, K Boucher, M Dorfman 2008 16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 43-52, 2008 | 70 | 2008 |
Empirical measurement of perceived privacy risk J Bhatia, TD Breaux ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 25 (6), 1-47, 2018 | 66 | 2018 |
Regulatory requirements traceability and analysis using semi-formal specifications TD Breaux, DG Gordon Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality: 19th …, 2013 | 61 | 2013 |
The 2021 software developer shortage is coming T Breaux, J Moritz Communications of the ACM 64 (7), 39-41, 2021 | 60 | 2021 |