Haohao DING
Haohao DING
Email yang diverifikasi di doctorant.ec-lyon.fr
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Microstructure evolution of railway pearlitic wheel steels under rolling-sliding contact loading
Y Hu, L Zhou, HH Ding, R Lewis, QY Liu, J Guo, WJ Wang
Tribology International 154, 106685, 2021
Investigation on wear and rolling contact fatigue of wheel-rail materials under various wheel/rail hardness ratio and creepage conditions
Y Hu, L Zhou, HH Ding, GX Tan, R Lewis, QY Liu, J Guo, WJ Wang
Tribology International 143, 106091, 2020
Investigation on microstructure and wear characteristic of laser cladding Fe-based alloy on wheel/rail materials
ZK Fu, HH Ding, WJ Wang, QY Liu, J Guo, MH Zhu
Wear 330, 592-599, 2015
Investigation on the effect of rotational speed on rolling wear and damage behaviors of wheel/rail materials
HH Ding, ZK Fu, WJ Wang, J Guo, QY Liu, MH Zhu
Wear 330, 563-570, 2015
Comparison of wear and rolling contact fatigue behaviours of bainitic and pearlitic rails under various rolling-sliding conditions
Y Hu, LC Guo, M Maiorino, JP Liu, HH Ding, R Lewis, E Meli, A Rindi, ...
Wear 460, 203455, 2020
Wear mapping and transitions in wheel and rail materials under different contact pressure and sliding velocity conditions
HH Ding, CG He, L Ma, J Guo, QY Liu, WJ Wang
Wear 352, 1-8, 2016
Study on wear and rolling contact fatigue behaviours of defective rail under different slip ratio and contact stress conditions
S Zhang, M Spiryagin, Q Lin, H Ding, Q Wu, J Guo, Q Liu, W Wang
Tribology International 169, 107491, 2022
Thermal model and temperature field in rail grinding process based on a moving heat source
ZY Zhang, W Shang, HH Ding, J Guo, HY Wang, QY Liu, WJ Wang
Applied Thermal Engineering 106, 855-864, 2016
Effect of laser claddings of Fe-based alloy powder with different concentrations of WS2 on the mechanical and tribological properties of railway wheel
H Ding, X Mu, Y Zhu, W Yang, Q Xiao, W Wang, Q Liu, J Guo, Z Zhou
Wear 488, 204174, 2022
Rail rolling contact fatigue formation and evolution with surface defects
SY Zhang, M Spiryagin, HH Ding, Q Wu, J Guo, QY Liu, WJ Wang
International Journal of Fatigue 158, 106762, 2022
Experimental investigation on material removal mechanism during rail grinding at different forward speeds
K Zhou, H Ding, R Wang, J Yang, J Guo, Q Liu, W Wang
Tribology International 143, 106040, 2020
Experimental study on wear properties of wheel and rail materials with different hardness values
Y Hu, M Watson, M Maiorino, L Zhou, WJ Wang, HH Ding, R Lewis, E Meli, ...
Wear 477, 203831, 2021
Optimization and wear behaviors of 316L stainless steel laser cladding on rail material
H Ding, T Yang, W Wang, Y Zhu, Q Lin, J Guo, Q Xiao, L Gan, Q Liu
Wear 523, 204830, 2023
A review on wear between railway wheels and rails under environmental conditions
Y Zhu, W Wang, R Lewis, W Yan, SR Lewis, H Ding
Journal of Tribology 141 (12), 120801, 2019
Influence of grinding pressure on removal behaviours of rail material
K Zhou, HH Ding, WJ Wang, RX Wang, J Guo, QY Liu
Tribology International 134, 417-426, 2019
Temperature field and material response as a function of rail grinding parameters
K Zhou, H Ding, M Steenbergen, W Wang, J Guo, Q Liu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 175, 121366, 2021
Effects of abrasive material and hardness of grinding wheel on rail grinding behaviors
RX Wang, K Zhou, JY Yang, HH Ding, WJ Wang, J Guo, QY Liu
Wear 454, 203332, 2020
Modelling and simulation of the grinding force in rail grinding that considers the swing angle of the grinding stone
K Zhou, HH Ding, SY Zhang, J Guo, QY Liu, WJ Wang
Tribology International 137, 274-288, 2019
Investigation on the relationship between microstructure and wear characteristic of rail materials
XC Li, HH Ding, WJ Wang, J Guo, QY Liu, ZR Zhou
Tribology International 163, 107152, 2021
Influence of laser strengthening techniques on anti-wear and anti-fatigue properties of rail welding joint
HC Shi, LB Shi, HH Ding, WJ Wang, WJ Jiang, J Guo, QY Liu
Engineering Failure Analysis 101, 72-85, 2019
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