Miroslav Zecevic
Miroslav Zecevic
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A numerical procedure enabling accurate descriptions of strain rate-sensitive flow of polycrystals within crystal visco-plasticity theory
M Knezevic, M Zecevic, IJ Beyerlein, RA Lebensohn
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 308, 468-482, 2016
Texture formation in orthorhombic alpha-uranium under simple compression and rolling to high strains
M Zecevic, M Knezevic, IJ Beyerlein, RJ McCabe
Journal of Nuclear Materials 473, 143-156, 2016
Modelling recrystallization textures driven by intragranular fluctuations implemented in the viscoplastic self-consistent formulation
M Zecevic, RA Lebensohn, RJ McCabe, M Knezevic
Acta Materialia 164, 530-546, 2019
Activity of pyramidal I and II< c+ a> slip in Mg alloys as revealed by texture development
M Zecevic, IJ Beyerlein, M Knezevic
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 111, 290-307, 2018
A new implementation of the spectral crystal plasticity framework in implicit finite elements
M Zecevic, RJ McCabe, M Knezevic
Mechanics of Materials 84, 114-126, 2015
A new visco-plastic self-consistent formulation implicit in dislocation-based hardening within implicit finite elements: Application to high strain rate and impact deformation …
M Zecevic, M Knezevic
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 341, 888-916, 2018
Modeling of the thermo-mechanical response and texture evolution of WE43 Mg alloy in the dynamic recrystallization regime using a viscoplastic self-consistent formulation
M Zecevic, M Knezevic, B McWilliams, RA Lebensohn
International Journal of Plasticity 130, 102705, 2020
Average intragranular misorientation trends in polycrystalline materials predicted by a viscoplastic self-consistent approach
RA Lebensohn, M Zecevic, M Knezevic, RJ McCabe
Acta Materialia 104, 228-236, 2016
Spectral database solutions to elasto-viscoplasticity within finite elements: application to a cobalt-based FCC superalloy
M Zecevic, RJ McCabe, M Knezevic
International Journal of Plasticity 70, 151-165, 2015
Transitioning rate sensitivities across multiple length scales: Microstructure-property relationships in the Taylor cylinder impact test on zirconium
M Zecevic, IJ Beyerlein, RJ McCabe, BA McWilliams, M Knezevic
International journal of plasticity 84, 138-159, 2016
Modeling of intragranular misorientation and grain fragmentation in polycrystalline materials using the viscoplastic self-consistent formulation
M Zecevic, RA Lebensohn, RJ McCabe, M Knezevic
International Journal of Plasticity 109, 193-211, 2018
Predicting intragranular misorientation distributions in polycrystalline metals using the viscoplastic self-consistent formulation
M Zecevic, W Pantleon, RA Lebensohn, RJ McCabe, M Knezevic
Acta Materialia 140, 398-410, 2017
Origin of texture development in orthorhombic uranium
M Zecevic, M Knezevic, IJ Beyerlein, RJ McCabe
Materials Science and Engineering: A 665, 108-124, 2016
Predicting texture evolution in Ta and Ta-10W alloys using polycrystal plasticity
M Knezevic, M Zecevic, IJ Beyerlein, A Bhattacharyya, RJ McCabe
Jom 67, 2670-2674, 2015
New large-strain FFT-based formulation and its application to model strain localization in nano-metallic laminates and other strongly anisotropic crystalline materials
M Zecevic, RA Lebensohn, L Capolungo
Mechanics of Materials 166, 104208, 2022
Spectral database constitutive representation within a spectral micromechanical solver for computationally efficient polycrystal plasticity modelling
A Eghtesad, M Zecevic, RA Lebensohn, RJ McCabe, M Knezevic
Computational Mechanics 61, 89-104, 2018
Contribution of intragranular misorientations to the cold rolling textures of ferritic stainless steels
A Despres, M Zecevic, RA Lebensohn, JD Mithieux, F Chassagne, ...
Acta Materialia 182, 184-196, 2020
New robust self-consistent homogenization schemes of elasto-viscoplastic polycrystals
M Zecevic, RA Lebensohn
International Journal of Solids and Structures 202, 434-453, 2020
Viscoplastic self-consistent formulation as generalized material model for solid mechanics applications
M Zecevic, RA Lebensohn, M Rogers, J Moore, V Chiravalle, ...
Applications in Engineering Science 6, 100040, 2021
Implementation and experimental validation of nonlocal damage in a large-strain elasto-viscoplastic FFT-based framework for predicting ductile fracture in 3D polycrystalline …
CK Cocke, H Mirmohammad, M Zecevic, BR Phung, RA Lebensohn, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 162, 103508, 2023
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