Lucile Wendt
Lucile Wendt
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Towards unraveling relationships in Xylariomycetidae (Sordariomycetes)
IC Senanayake, SSN Maharachchikumbura, KD Hyde, JD Bhat, ...
Fungal Diversity 73, 73-144, 2015
Resurrection and emendation of the Hypoxylaceae, recognised from a multigene phylogeny of the Xylariales
L Wendt, EB Sir, E Kuhnert, S Heitkämper, C Lambert, AI Hladki, ...
Mycological Progress 17, 115-154, 2018
Hypomontagnella (Hypoxylaceae): a new genus segregated from Hypoxylon by a polyphasic taxonomic approach
C Lambert, L Wendt, AI Hladki, M Stadler, EB Sir
Mycological Progress 18, 187-201, 2019
Identification of Rosellinia species as producers of cyclodepsipeptide PF1022 A and resurrection of the genus Dematophora as inferred from polythetic taxonomy
M Wittstein, Kathrin Cordsmeier, Arne Lambert, Christopher Wendt, Lucile Sir ...
Studies in Mycology, 2020
Cytochalasans Act as Inhibitors of Biofilm Formation of Staphylococcus aureus
KT Yuyama, L Wendt, F Surup, R Kretz, C Chepkirui, K Wittstein, ...
Biomolecules 8 (4), 129, 2018
The effect of cytochalasans on the actin cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells and preliminary structure–activity relationships
R Kretz, L Wendt, S Wongkanoun, JJ Luangsa-Ard, F Surup, SE Helaly, ...
Biomolecules 9 (2), 73, 2019
Chilenopeptins A and B, Peptaibols from the Chilean Sepedonium aff. chalcipori KSH 883
A Otto, A Laub, L Wendt, A Porzel, J Schmidt, G Palfner, J Becerra, ...
Journal of Natural Products 79 (4), 929-938, 2016
Quantitative interactions between the biocontrol fungus Phlebiopsis gigantea, the forest pathogen Heterobasidion annosum and the fungal community inhabiting Norway spruce stumps
J Oliva, M Messal, L Wendt, M Elfstrand
Forest Ecology and Management 402, 253-264, 2017
A new species of Daldinia (Xylariaceae) from the Argentine subtropical montane forest
C Lambert, L Wendt, AI Hladki, AI Romero, M Stadler
Mycosphere 7 (9), 1378-1388, 2016
Bioactive Compounds Produced by Hypoxylon fragiforme against Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms
KT Yuyama, C Chepkirui, L Wendt, D Fortkamp, M Stadler, WR Abraham
Microorganisms 5 (4), 80, 2017
Identification of fungal fossils and novel azaphilone pigments in ancient carbonised specimens of Hypoxylon fragiforme from forest soils of Châtillon-sur-Seine …
F Surup, A Narmani, L Wendt, S Pfütze, R Kretz, K Becker, C Menbrivès, ...
Fungal Diversity 92, 345-356, 2018
Three new species of Hypoxylon and new records of Xylariales from Panama.
M Cedeño-Sanchez, L Wendt, M Stadler, LC Mejía
A novel species and a new combination of Daldinia from Ban Hua Thung community forest in the northern part of Thailand
S Wongkanoun, L Wendt, M Stadler, J Luangsa-ard, P Srikitikulchai
Mycological Progress 18 (4), 553-564, 2019
Natonodosa speciosa gen. et sp. nov. and rediscovery of Poroisariopsis inornata: neotropical anamorphic fungi in Xylariales
G Heredia, DW Li, L Wendt, M Réblová, RM Arias, M Gamboa-Angulo, ...
Mycological Progress 19, 15-30, 2020
A new species of Daldinia (Xylariaceae) from the Argentine subtropical montane forest. Mycosphere 7: 1378–1388
EB Sir, C Lambert, L Wendt, AI Hladki, AI Romero, M Stadler
Première récolte monténégrine d’une espèce menacée et protégée en Europe: Poronia erici (Xylariaceae)
Ascomycete. org 9, 275-289, 2017
Higher Level Phylogenetic and Polythetic Taxonomic Studies on the Order Xylariales (Ascomycota) and Evaluation of Their Biologically Active Secondary Metabolites
LC Wendt
Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, 2021
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