John Flach
John Flach
Principle, Perspicacity LLC, Beavercreek, OH; Professor of Psychology, Wright State University
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Control theory for humans: Quantitative approaches to modeling performance
RJ Jagacinski, JM Flach
CRC press, 2003
Graphical displays: Implications for divided attention, focused attention, and problem solving
KB Bennett, JM Flach
Human factors 34 (5), 513-533, 1992
Situation awareness: Proceed with caution
JM Flach
Human factors 37 (1), 149-157, 1995
Display and interface design: Subtle science, exact art
KB Bennett, JM Flach
CRC Press, 2011
The reality of experience: Gibson's way
JM Flach, JG Holden
Presence 7 (1), 90-95, 1998
Sources of optical information useful for perception of speed of rectilinear self-motion.
JF Larish, JM Flach
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 16 (2), 295, 1990
MGA: A decision support system for complex, incompletely defined problems
ED Brill, JM Flach, LD Hopkins, S Ranjithan
IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 20 (4), 745-757, 1990
Object displays do not always support better integrated task performance
PM Sanderson, JM Flach, MA Buttigieg, EJ Casey
Human Factors 31 (2), 183-198, 1989
Monocular optical constraints on collision control.
MRH Smith, JM Flach, SM Dittman, T Stanard
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 27 (2), 395, 2001
Global perspectives on the ecology of human-machine systems
JM Flach, PA Hancock, J Caird, KJ Vicente
CRC Press, 2018
Use-centered design: Integrating the user, instrument, and goal
JM Flach, CO Dominguez
Ergonomics in design 3 (3), 19-24, 1995
Identifying seekers and suppliers in social media communities to support crisis coordination
H Purohit, A Hampton, S Bhatt, VL Shalin, AP Sheth, JM Flach
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 23 (4), 513-545, 2014
Visual displays
KB Bennett, AL Nagy, JM Flach
Handbook of human factors and ergonomics, 1177-1208, 2012
Theoretical foundations for a total energy-based perspective flight-path display
MHJ Amelink, M Mulder, MM Van Paassen, J Flach
The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 15 (3), 205-231, 2005
What kind of# conversation is Twitter? Mining# psycholinguistic cues for emergency coordination
H Purohit, A Hampton, VL Shalin, AP Sheth, J Flach, S Bhatt
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (6), 2438-2447, 2013
The ecology of human-machine systems I: Introduction
JM Flach
Ecological Psychology 2 (3), 191-205, 1990
Control with an eye for perception: Precursors to an active psychophysics
JM Flach
Ecological Psychology 2 (2), 83-111, 1990
Beyond ecological interface design: Lessons from concerns and misconceptions
C Borst, JM Flach, J Ellerbroek
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 45 (2), 164-175, 2014
Complexity: learning to muddle through
JM Flach
Cognition, Technology & Work 14 (3), 187-197, 2012
Perceptual-motor coordination in an endoscopic surgery simulation
JG Holden, JM Flach, Y Donchin
Surgical endoscopy 13, 127-132, 1999
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