Emiliano Poli
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Dikutip oleh
Charge transfer as a ubiquitous mechanism in determining the negative charge at hydrophobic interfaces
E Poli, KH Jong, A Hassanali
Nature communications 11 (1), 901, 2020
Wavepacket splitting and two‐pathway deactivation in the photoexcited visual pigment isorhodopsin
D Polli, O Weingart, D Brida, E Poli, M Maiuri, KM Spillane, A Bottoni, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (9), 2504-2507, 2014
The potential of imogolite nanotubes as (co-) photocatalysts: a linear-scaling density functional theory study
E Poli, JD Elliott, LE Ratcliff, L Andrinopoulos, J Dziedzic, NDM Hine, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28 (7), 074003, 2016
Structural resolution of inorganic nanotubes with complex stoichiometry
G Monet, MS Amara, S Rouzière, E Paineau, Z Chai, JD Elliott, E Poli, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2033, 2018
Short hydrogen bonds enhance nonaromatic protein-related fluorescence
AD Stephens, MN Qaisrani, MT Ruggiero, G Díaz Mirón, UN Morzan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (21), e2020389118, 2021
Chemically selective alternatives to photoferroelectrics for polarization‐enhanced photocatalysis: the untapped potential of hybrid inorganic nanotubes
JD Elliott, E Poli, I Scivetti, LE Ratcliff, L Andrinopoulos, J Dziedzic, ...
Advanced Science 4 (2), 1600153, 2017
On-off transition and ultrafast decay of amino acid luminescence driven by modulation of supramolecular packing
ZA Arnon, T Kreiser, B Yakimov, N Brown, R Aizen, S Shaham-Niv, ...
Iscience 24 (7), 2021
-anisotropy: A nanocarbon route to hard magnetism
T Moorsom, S Alghamdi, S Stansill, E Poli, G Teobaldi, M Beg, H Fangohr, ...
Physical Review B 101 (6), 060408, 2020
Understanding the electrochemical double layer at the hematite/water interface: A first principles molecular dynamics study
K Ulman, E Poli, N Seriani, S Piccinin, R Gebauer
The Journal of chemical physics 150 (4), 2019
Large-scale density functional theory simulation of inorganic nanotubes: a case study on Imogolite nanotubes
E Poli, JD Elliott, NDM Hine, AA Mostofi, G Teobaldi
Materials Research Innovations 19 (sup4), S272-S282, 2015
The role of cation-vacancies for the electronic and optical properties of aluminosilicate imogolite nanotubes: A non-local, linear-response TDDFT study
E Poli, JD Elliott, SK Chulkov, MB Watkins, G Teobaldi
Frontiers in Chemistry 7, 210, 2019
Enhanced spin–orbit coupling in heavy metals via molecular coupling
S Alotibi, BJ Hickey, G Teobaldi, M Ali, J Barker, E Poli, DD O’Regan, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (4), 5228-5234, 2021
Termination effects in aluminosilicate and aluminogermanate imogolite nanotubes: A density functional theory study
E Poli, JD Elliott, Z Chai, G Teobaldi
Crystals 10 (11), 1051, 2020
A Hybrid Magneto‐Optic Capacitive Memory with Picosecond Writing Time
M Rogers, A Habib, G Teobaldi, T Moorsom, JO Johansson, L Hedley, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (13), 2212173, 2023
Charge gradients around dendritic voids cause nanoscale inhomogeneities in liquid water
T Schonfeldova, N Dupertuis, Y Chen, N Ansari, E Poli, DM Wilkins, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (32), 7462-7468, 2022
On-off transition and ultrafast decay of amino acid luminescence driven by modulation of supramolecular packing. iScience 2021, 24, 102695
ZA Arnon, T Kreiser, B Yakimov, N Brown, R Aizen, S Shaham-Niv, ...
DOI, 2021
Aufspaltung des Wellenpakets und Doppelpfad‐Desaktivierung im photoangeregten Sehpigment Isorhodopsin
D Polli, O Weingart, D Brida, E Poli, M Maiuri, KM Spillane, A Bottoni, ...
Angewandte Chemie 126 (9), 2537-2541, 2014
Effects of surface chemical modifications on the adhesion of metallic interfaces. An high-throughput first-principle analysis
E Poli, M Cutini, MA Nosir, O Chehaimi, MC Righi
Applied Surface Science 664, 160177, 2024
Dynamical Screening of Local Spin Moments at Metal–Molecule Interfaces
S Bhandary, E Poli, G Teobaldi, DD O’Regan
ACS nano 17 (6), 5974-5983, 2023
Effects of surface chemical modifications on the adhesion of metallic interfaces. An high-throughput analysis
E Poli, M Cutini, MAMA Nosir, O Chehaimi, MC Righi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.16508, 2023
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