J. Banerji
J. Banerji
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Measuring the topological charge of an optical vortex by using a tilted convex lens
P Vaity, J Banerji, RP Singh
Physics letters a 377 (15), 1154-1156, 2013
Higher order optical vortices and formation of speckles
SG Reddy, S Prabhakar, A Kumar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Optics Letters 39 (15), 4364-4367, 2014
Revealing the order of a vortex through its intensity record
S Prabhakar, A Kumar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Optics letters 36 (22), 4398-4400, 2011
Electron-atom ionising collisions in the presence of a low-frequency laser field
J Banerji, MH Mittleman
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 14 (19), 3717, 1981
Divergence of optical vortex beams
SG Reddy, C Permangatt, S Prabhakar, A Anwar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Applied optics 54 (22), 6690-6693, 2015
Hollow Gaussian beam generation through nonlinear interaction of photons with orbital angular momentum
NA Chaitanya, MV Jabir, J Banerji, GK Samanta
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32464, 2016
Mesoscopic superposition and sub-Planck-scale structure in molecular wave packets
S Ghosh, A Chiruvelli, J Banerji, PK Panigrahi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (1), 013411, 2006
Coherent states for exactly solvable potentials
T Shreecharan, PK Panigrahi, J Banerji
Physical Review A 69 (1), 012102, 2004
Spatial coherence and information entropy in optical vortex fields
GS Agarwal, J Banerji
Optics letters 27 (10), 800-802, 2002
Charge transfer and ionisation processes in collisions involving atoms and ions of hydrogen and helium
SL Willis, G Peach, MRC McDowell, J Banerji
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18 (19), 3939, 1985
Comparison of lower-and higher-order nonclassicality in photon added and subtracted squeezed coherent states
K Thapliyal, NL Samantray, J Banerji, A Pathak
Physics Letters A 381 (37), 3178-3187, 2017
Intensity correlation properties of high-order optical vortices passing through a rotating ground-glass plate
A Kumar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Optics letters 35 (22), 3841-3843, 2010
Propagation of an arbitrary vortex pair through an astigmatic optical system and determination of its topological charge
SG Reddy, S Prabhakar, A Aadhi, J Banerji, RP Singh
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 31 (6), 1295-1302, 2014
Entanglement by linear SU (2) transformations: generation and evolution of quantum vortex states
GS Agarwal, J Banerji
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (37), 11503, 2006
Fractional revivals in systems with two time scales
GS Agarwal, J Banerji
Physical Review A 57 (5), 3880, 1998
High power, higher order ultrafast hollow Gaussian beams
N Apurv Chaitanya, A Chaitanya, J Banerji, GK Samanta
Applied Physics Letters 110 (21), 2017
Critical coupling at oblique incidence
S Deb, SD Gupta, J Banerji, SD Gupta
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 9 (7), 555, 2007
Hanbury Brown–Twiss-type experiments with optical vortices and observation of modulated intensity correlation on scattering from rotating ground glass
A Kumar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 013825, 2012
Coherent states of the Pöschl–Teller potential and their revival dynamics
U Roy, J Banerji, PK Panigrahi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (41), 9115, 2005
Quantum evolution of classical nonlinear eigenmode in parametric interaction and realization in traps with ions
GS Agarwal, J Banerji
Physical Review A 55 (6), R4007, 1997
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