Sinan Dursun
Sinan Dursun
TRS Technologies Inc.
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Comparison of the structural and magnetic properties of submicron barium hexaferrite powders prepared by molten salt and solid state calcination routes
S Dursun, R Topkaya, N Akdoğan, S Alkoy
Ceramics International 38 (5), 3801-3806, 2012
Roadmap for densification in cold sintering: Chemical pathways
A Ndayishimiye, MY Sengul, T Sada, S Dursun, SH Bang, ZA Grady, ...
Open Ceramics 2, 100019, 2020
Thermoelectric power factor enhancement of textured ferroelectric SrxBa1-x Nb2O6-δ ceramics
S Lee, S Dursun, C Duran, CA Randall
Journal of Materials Research 26, 26-30, 2011
Cold sintering ZnO based varistor ceramics with controlled grain growth to realize superior breakdown electric field
X Zhao, J Liang, J Sun, J Guo, S Dursun, K Wang, CA Randall
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (1), 430-435, 2021
Toward a size scale‐up cold sintering process at reduced uniaxial pressure
SH Bang, K Tsuji, A Ndayishimiye, S Dursun, JH Seo, S Otieno, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (4), 2322-2327, 2020
Cold sintering of the ceramic potassium sodium niobate,(K0. 5Na0. 5) NbO3, and influences on piezoelectric properties
K Tsuji, Z Fan, SH Bang, S Dursun, S Trolier-McKinstry, CA Randall
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42 (1), 105-111, 2022
New opportunities in metallization integration in cofired electroceramic multilayers by the cold sintering process
TH De Beauvoir, S Dursun, L Gao, C Randall
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 1 (7), 1198-1207, 2019
A route towards fabrication of functional ceramic/polymer nanocomposite devices using the cold sintering process
S Dursun, K Tsuji, SH Bang, A Ndayishimiye, CA Randall
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 (7), 1917-1924, 2020
Processing and Properties of Textured Potassium Strontium Niobate (KSr2Nb5O15) Ceramic Fibers – Texture Development
S Alkoy, S Dursun
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 95 (3), 937-945, 2012
Atmospheric controlled processing enabling highly textured NKN with enhanced piezoelectric performance
L Gao, S Dursun, AE Gurdal, E Hennig, S Zhang, CA Randall
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (4), 963-972, 2019
Enhancement of Electrical Properties in the Ternary PMN‐PT‐PZ through Compositional Variation, Crystallographic Texture and Quenching
S Dursun, E Mensur‐Alkoy, MU Unver, S Alkoy
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019
High strain,< 001>-textured Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3) O3–Pb (Yb1/2Nb1/2) O3–PbTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics
C Duran, S Dursun, E Akça
Scripta Materialia 113, 14-17, 2016
Material and device design for the high performance low temperature co-fired multilayer piezoelectric transformer
S Dursun, AE Gurdal, S Tuncdemir, C Randall
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 286, 4-13, 2019
Fabrication of bimorph lead zirconate titanate thick films on metal substrates via the cold sintering-assisted process
D Wang, S Dursun, L Gao, CS Morandi, CA Randall, S Trolier-McKinstry
Acta Materialia 195, 482-490, 2020
Roadmap for densification in cold sintering: Chemical pathways, Open Ceram. 2 (2020) 100019
A Ndayishimiye, MY Sengul, T Sada, S Dursun, SH Bang, ZA Grady, ...
Integration and characterization of a ferroelectric polymer PVDF-TrFE into the grain boundary structure of ZnO via cold sintering
J Mena-Garcia, S Dursun, K Tsuji, SH Bang, Z Fan, A Ndayishimiye, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42 (6), 2789-2797, 2022
Thermoelectric characteristics of textured KSr2Nb5O15 ceramics
C Duran, A Yildiz, S Dursun, J Mackey, A Sehirlioglu
Scripta Materialia 112, 114-117, 2016
Processing and properties of textured potassium strontium niobate (KSr2Nb5O15) ceramic fibers-effect of texture on the electrical properties
S Alkoy, S Dursun
IEEE TransacTIons on UlTrasonIcs, FErroElEcTrIcs, and FrEqUEncy conTrol 60 …, 2013
Structural and electrical properties of< 001> textured 0.26 PIN–0.40 PMN–0.34 PT ternary system
A Berksoy-Yavuz, E Mensur-Alkoy, E Gozutok, S Dursun, H Yilmaz, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30, 18548-18556, 2019
Growth of NBT template particles through topochemical microcrystal conversion and their structural characterization
S Dursun, E Mensur‐Alkoy, A Sabuncu, A Berksoy‐Yavuz, MA Gülgün, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (3), 937-944, 2017
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