Michael S. Jones
Michael S. Jones
Research Assistant Professor of Economics, ISER, University of Alaska Anchorage
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Respondent screening and revealed preference axioms: testing quarantining methods for enhanced data quality in Web panel surveys
MS Jones, LA House, Z Gao
Public Opinion Quarterly 79 (3), 687-709, 2015
Does storage technology affect adoption of improved maize varieties in Africa? Insights from Malawi’s input subsidy program
J Ricker-Gilbert, M Jones
Food Policy 50, 92-105, 2015
An initial investigation of the potential for hermetic Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags to improve incomes for maize producers in Sub-Saharan Africa
M Jones, C Alexander, J Lowenberg-DeBoer
Gates Open Res 3 (272), 272, 2019
A simple methodology for measuring profitability of on-farm storage pest management in developing countries
M Jones, C Alexander, J Lowenberg-DeBoer
Journal of Stored Products Research 58, 67-76, 2014
Does the US public support using gene drives in agriculture? And what do they want to know?
MS Jones, JA Delborne, J Elsensohn, PD Mitchell, ZS Brown
Science advances 5 (9), eaau8462, 2019
Profitability of hermetic Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags for African common bean producers
M Jones, CE Alexander, J Lowenberg-DeBoer
Anticipating complexity in the deployment of gene drive insects in agriculture
J Baltzegar, J Cavin Barnes, JE Elsensohn, N Gutzmann, MS Jones, ...
Journal of Responsible Innovation 5 (sup1), S81-S97, 2018
Perspective: enhancing economic evaluations and impacts of integrated pest management Farmer Field Schools (IPM‐FFS) in low‐income countries
RM Rejesus, MS Jones
Pest management science 76 (11), 3527-3536, 2020
Economic consequences of post-harvest insect damage in Rwandan common bean markets
MS Jones, CE Alexander, B Smith
Crop Protection 104, 92-100, 2018
Do insect and mold damage affect maize prices in Africa? Evidence from Malawi
M Jones, C Alexander, NO Widmar, J Ricker-Gilbert, ...
Modern Economy 7 (11), 1168-1185, 2016
CRISPR‐based gene drive in agriculture will face technical and governance challenges
N Gutzmann, JE Elsensohn, JC Barnes, J Baltzegar, MS Jones, ...
EMBO reports 18 (9), 1479-1480, 2017
Informed consent rates for neonatal randomized controlled trials in low-and lower middle-income versus high-income countries: A systematic review
JK Patterson, S Pant, DF Jones, S Taha, MS Jones, MS Bauserman, ...
Plos one 16 (3), e0248263, 2021
Prospective Assessment of Pill-Swallowing Ability in Pediatric Patients
DF Jones, AR McRea, MK Jairath, MS Jones, KK Bradford, R Jhaveri
Clinical pediatrics 57 (3), 300-306, 2018
Does the US public support using gene drives in agriculture
MS Jones, JA Delborne, J Elsensohn, PD Mitchell, ZS Brown
And what do they want to know, 2019
Attribute non-attendance and satisficing behavior in online choice experiments
MS Jones, LA House, Z Gao
Measuring the value of African smallholder grain protection: Two essays on storage economics and market valuation of maize attributes in Malawi
MS Jones
Economic principles and concepts in area-wide genetic pest management
ZS Brown, MS Jones, JD Mumford
The Economics of Integrated Post Management of Insects, 96-120, 2019
Assessing agricultural gene editing regulation in Latin America: an analysis of how policy windows and policy entrepreneurs shape agricultural gene editing regulatory regimes
S Zarate, I Cimadori, MS Jones, MM Roca, SK Barnhill-Dilling
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 11, 1209308, 2023
Does access to storage protectant increase smallholder adoption of improved maize seed? Insights from Malawi
J Ricker-Gilbert, M Jones
Population genetic structure of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais, in southern Mexico
J Baltzegar, MS Jones, M Willcox, JM Ramsey, F Gould
Plos one 18 (4), e0264469, 2023
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