Amélie Crespel
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Guidelines for reporting methods to estimate metabolic rates by aquatic intermittent-flow respirometry
SS Killen, EAF Christensen, D Cortese, L Závorka, T Norin, L Cotgrove, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (18), jeb242522, 2021
A physiological perspective on fisheries‐induced evolution
J Hollins, D Thambithurai, B Koeck, A Crespel, DM Bailey, SJ Cooke, ...
Evolutionary applications 11 (5), 561-576, 2018
Anemone bleaching increases the metabolic demands of symbiont anemonefish
T Norin, SC Mills, A Crespel, D Cortese, SS Killen, R Beldade
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1876), 20180282, 2018
The development of contemporary European sea bass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax) is not affected by projected ocean acidification scenarios
A Crespel, JL Zambonino-Infante, D Mazurais, G Koumoundouros, ...
Marine Biology 164, 1-12, 2017
Quantitative genetic analysis of the physiological stress response in three strains of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis and their hybrids
A Crespel, L Bernatchez, D Garant, C Audet
Journal of Fish Biology 79 (7), 2019-2033, 2011
Study of the potential spermatogonial stem cell compartment in dogfish testis, Scyliorhinus canicula L.
G Loppion, A Crespel, AS Martinez, P Auvray, P Sourdaine
Cell and tissue research 332, 533-542, 2008
Conserved but flexible modularity in the zebrafish skull: implications for craniofacial evolvability
KJ Parsons, YH Son, A Crespel, D Thambithurai, S Killen, MP Harris, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1877), 20172671, 2018
Identification of Individual Zebrafish (Danio rerio): A Refined Protocol for VIE Tagging Whilst Considering Animal Welfare and the Principles of the 3Rs
A Rácz, B Allan, T Dwyer, D Thambithurai, A Crespel, SS Killen
Animals 11 (3), 616, 2021
Physiological and behavioural effects of anemone bleaching on symbiont anemonefish in the wild
D Cortese, T Norin, R Beldade, A Crespel, SS Killen, SC Mills
Functional Ecology 35 (3), 663-674, 2021
Parental transgenerational epigenetic inheritance related to dietary crude oil exposure in Danio rerio
NM Bautista, A Crespel, J Crossley, P Padilla, W Burggren
Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (16), jeb222224, 2020
Genetically based population divergence in overwintering energy mobilization in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)
A Crespel, L Bernatchez, D Garant, C Audet
Genetica 141, 51-64, 2013
Strain Specific Genotype−Environment Interactions and Evolutionary Potential for Body Mass in Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)
A Crespel, L Bernatchez, C Audet, D Garant
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 3 (3), 379-386, 2013
Reduced exploration capacity despite brain volume increase in warm-acclimated common minnow
L Závorka, B Koeck, TA Armstrong, M Soğanci, A Crespel, SS Killen
Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (11), jeb223453, 2020
Climate change‐induced deprivation of dietary essential fatty acids can reduce growth and mitochondrial efficiency of wild juvenile salmon
L Závorka, A Crespel, NJ Dawson, M Papatheodoulou, SS Killen, ...
Functional Ecology 35 (9), 1960-1971, 2021
Egg quality in domesticated and wild seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax): a proteomic analysis
A Crespel, H Rime, E Fraboulet, J Bobe, C Fauvel
Cybium, Revue Internationale d'Ichtyologie 32 (2), 2008
Divergence in physiological factors affecting swimming performance between anadromous and resident populations of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis
A Crespel, A Dupont‐Prinet, L Bernatchez, G Claireaux, R Tremblay, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 90 (5), 2170-2193, 2017
A warmer environment can reduce sociability in an ectotherm
N Pilakouta, PJ O'Donnell, A Crespel, M Levet, M Claireaux, JL Humble, ...
Global Change Biology 29 (1), 206-214, 2023
Genomic basis of fishing-associated selection varies with population density
A Crespel, K Schneider, T Miller, A Rácz, A Jacobs, J Lindström, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (51), e2020833118, 2021
Long-term effects of ocean acidification upon energetics and oxygen transport in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus)
A Crespel, K Anttila, P Lelièvre, P Quazuguel, N Le Bayon, ...
Marine Biology 166 (9), 116, 2019
Solving the conundrum of intra‐specific variation in metabolic rate: A multidisciplinary conceptual and methodological toolkit: New technical developments are opening the door …
NB Metcalfe, J Bellman, P Bize, PU Blier, A Crespel, NJ Dawson, ...
BioEssays 45 (6), 2300026, 2023
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