Mark Henderson
Mark Henderson
USGS Vermont Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
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Environmental conditions and prey-switching by a seabird predator impact juvenile salmon survival
BK Wells, JA Santora, MJ Henderson, P Warzybok, J Jahncke, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 174, 54-63, 2017
The influence of beam position and swimming direction on fish target strength
MJ Henderson, JK Horne, RH Towler
ICES Journal of Marine Science 65 (2), 226-237, 2008
Movement patterns of summer flounder near an artificial reef: Effects of fish size and environmental cues
MJ Henderson, MC Fabrizio, JA Lucy
Fisheries Research 153, 1-8, 2014
Outmigration survival of wild Chinook salmon smolts through the Sacramento River during historic drought and high water conditions
JJ Notch, AS McHuron, CJ Michel, F Cordoleani, M Johnson, ...
Environmental Biology of Fishes 103, 561-576, 2020
Comparison of in situ, ex situ, and backscatter model estimates of Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) target strength
MJ Henderson, JK Horne
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (12), 1781-1794, 2007
Changes in adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) survival within the lower Columbia River amid increasing pinniped abundance
AM Wargo Rub, NA Som, MJ Henderson, BP Sandford, DM Van Doornik, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (10), 1862-1873, 2019
Fish predation on a landscape scale
CJ Michel, MJ Henderson, CM Loomis, JM Smith, NJ Demetras, ...
Ecosphere 11 (6), e03168, 2020
Good practices for species distribution modeling of deep-sea corals and sponges for resource management: data collection, analysis, validation, and communication
AJ Winship, JT Thorson, ME Clarke, HM Coleman, B Costa, SE Georgian, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 303, 2020
Estimating spatial–temporal differences in Chinook salmon outmigration survival with habitat-and predation-related covariates
MJ Henderson, IS Iglesias, CJ Michel, AJ Ammann, DD Huff
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (9), 1549-1561, 2019
Early ocean distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon in an upwelling ecosystem
JL Hassrick, MJ Henderson, DD Huff, WJ Sydeman, MC Sabal, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 25 (2), 133-146, 2016
Deep-sea coral and sponge taxa increase demersal fish diversity and the probability of fish presence
MJ Henderson, DD Huff, MM Yoklavich
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 593844, 2020
Vulnerability to climate change of managed stocks in the California Current large marine ecosystem
MM McClure, MA Haltuch, E Willis-Norton, DD Huff, EL Hazen, LG Crozier, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1103767, 2023
Spatial variability in ocean‐mediated growth potential is linked to Chinook salmon survival
M Henderson, J Fiechter, DD Huff, BK Wells
Fisheries Oceanography 28 (3), 334-344, 2019
Predation strategies of larval clownfish capturing evasive copepod prey
HE Robinson, JR Strickler, MJ Henderson, DK Hartline, PH Lenz
Marine Ecology Progress Series 614, 125-146, 2019
Estimation of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) mortality rates using mark-recapture data from a recreational angler-tagging program
MJ Henderson, MC Fabrizio
Fisheries research 159, 1-10, 2014
Contrasting patterns in growth and survival of Central Valley fall run Chinook salmon related to hatchery and ocean conditions
MC Sabal, DD Huff, MJ Henderson, J Fiechter, JA Harding, SA Hayes
Environmental Biology of Fishes 99, 949-967, 2016
Movements, growth, and mortality of Chesapeake Bay summer flounder based on multiple tagging technologies
MJ Henderson
The College of William and Mary, 2012
Detecting noncompliance in the summer flounder recreational fishery using a mark–recapture growth model
MJ Henderson, MC Fabrizio
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33 (5), 1039-1048, 2013
Prey ration, temperature, and predator species influence digestion rates of prey DNA inferred from qPCR and metabarcoding
C Dick, WA Larson, K Karpan, DS Baetscher, Y Shi, S Sethi, NA Fangue, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2023
Small Scale Vertical Movements of Summer Flounder Relative to Diurnal, Tidal, and Temperature Changes
MJ Henderson, MC Fabrizio
Marine and Coastal Fisheries 6 (1), 108-118, 2014
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