Tales of sound and fury: Observations on the family melodrama T Elsaesser Film Genre Reader IV, 433-462, 2012 | 1637 | 2012 |
European cinema: Face to face with Hollywood T Elsaesser Amsterdam University Press, 2005 | 1158 | 2005 |
Film theory: An introduction through the senses T Elsaesser, M Hagener Routledge, 2015 | 1123 | 2015 |
New German cinema: a history T Elsaesser Houndmills, BasingstokeReprintedMacmillan, 1994 | 664 | 1994 |
The mind-game film T Elsaesser na, 2009 | 582 | 2009 |
Weimar cinema and after: Germany's historical imaginary T Elsaesser Routledge, 2000 | 557* | 2000 |
Studying contemporary American film T Elsaesser, W Buckland New YorkArnold/Oxford University Press, 2002 | 445 | 2002 |
Early Cinema: Space, Frame T Elsaesser, A Barker Narrative, 56-62, 1990 | 445 | 1990 |
Filmtheorie zur Einführung T Elsaesser, M Hagener Junius Verlag, 2019 | 385 | 2019 |
The new film history as media archaeology T Elsaesser Cinémas 14 (2), 75-117, 2004 | 325 | 2004 |
Fassbinder's Germany: history, identity, subject T Elsaesser Amsterdam University Press, 1996 | 324 | 1996 |
Early cinema: space, frame, narrative T Elsaesser, A Barker Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019 | 318 | 2019 |
Film history as media archaeology: Tracking digital cinema T Elsaesser Amsterdam University Press, 2017 | 289 | 2017 |
Cinephilia or the Uses of Disenchantment T Elsaesser Amsterdam University Press, 2005 | 261 | 2005 |
Postmodernism as mourning work. T Elsaesser Screen 42 (2), 2001 | 257 | 2001 |
Film festival networks: The new topographies of cinema in Europe T Elsaesser European cinema: Face to face with Hollywood 82, 106, 2005 | 233 | 2005 |
Subject positions, speaking positions: from Holocaust, Our Hitler, and Heimat to Shoah and Schindler's List T Elsaesser The Persistence of History, 145-183, 2014 | 196 | 2014 |
The “return” of 3-D: On some of the logics and genealogies of the image in the twenty-first century T Elsaesser Critical Inquiry 39 (2), 217-246, 2013 | 178 | 2013 |
Harun Farocki: Working on the sight-lines T Elsaesser Amsterdam University Press, 2004 | 173* | 2004 |
The" new" film history T Elsaesser Sight and Sound 55, 1986 | 171 | 1986 |