Andrea Orlando
Andrea Orlando
Researcher, National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources
E-mail megerősítve itt: igg.cnr.it
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Petrogenesis of silicic peralkaline rocks in the Ethiopian rift: geochemical evidence and volcanological implications
A Peccerillo, C Donati, AP Santo, A Orlando, G Yirgu, D Ayalew
Journal of African Earth Sciences 48 (2-3), 161-173, 2007
Experimental determination of plagioclase and clinopyroxene crystal growth rates in an anhydrous trachybasalt from Mt Etna (Italy)
A Orlando, M D’Orazio, P Armienti, D Borrini
European Journal of Mineralogy 20 (4), 653-664, 2008
Petrology of the 1998–2000 products of Volcán de Colima, México
JC Mora, JL Macıas, R Saucedo, A Orlando, P Manetti, O Vaselli
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 117 (1-2), 195-212, 2002
The Tianjin geothermal field (north-eastern China): water chemistry and possible reservoir permeability reduction phenomena
A Minissale, D Borrini, G Montegrossi, A Orlando, F Tassi, O Vaselli, ...
Geothermics 37 (4), 400-428, 2008
The ancient stained windows by Nicolò di Pietro Gerini in Florence. A novel diagnostic tool for non-invasive in situ diagnosis
M Bacci, A Corallini, A Orlando, M Picollo, B Radicati
Journal of cultural heritage 8 (3), 235-241, 2007
Dissolution and carbonation of a serpentinite: Inferences from acid attack and high P–T experiments performed in aqueous solutions at variable salinity
A Orlando, D Borrini, L Marini
Applied Geochemistry 26 (8), 1569-1583, 2011
Provenance of Tertiary volcanoclastic sediment in NW Thrace (Bulgaria): Evidence from detrital amphibole and pyroxene geochemistry
L Caracciolo, A Orlando, P Marchev, S Critelli, P Manetti, R Raycheva, ...
Sedimentary Geology 336, 120-137, 2016
Experimental smelting of iron ores from Elba Island (Tuscany, Italy): Results and implications for the reconstruction of ancient metallurgical processes and iron provenance
M Benvenuti, A Orlando, D Borrini, L Chiarantini, P Costagliola, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 70, 1-14, 2016
Identification of forgeries in historical enamels by combining the non-destructive scanning XRF imaging and alpha-PIXE portable techniques
HC Santos, C Caliri, L Pappalardo, R Catalano, A Orlando, F Rizzo, ...
Microchemical Journal 124, 241-246, 2016
Metasomatism induced by alkaline magma in the upper mantle of northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): an experimental approach
C Perinelli, A Orlando, AM Conte, P Armienti, D Borrini, B Faccini, V Misiti
Mediaeval stained glasses of Pisa Cathedral (Italy): their composition and alteration products
A Orlando, F Olmi, G Vaggelli, M Bacci
Analyst 121 (4), 553-558, 1996
Experimental analysis on the carbonation rate of Portland cement at room temperature and CO2 partial pressure from 1 to 51 bar
A Hernández-Rodríguez, A Orlando, G Montegrossi, B Huet, G Virgili, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 124, 104271, 2021
Petrology of mantle xenoliths from Megado and Dilo; Kenya RIFT; southern Ethiopia
A Orlando, T Abebe, P Manetti, AP Santo, G Corti
Ofioliti 31 (2), 71-87, 2006
Experimental investigation of biotite-rich schist reacting with B-bearing fluids at upper crustal conditions and correlated tourmaline formation
A Orlando, G Ruggieri, L Chiarantini, G Montegrossi, V Rimondi
Minerals 7 (9), 155, 2017
Principal component analysis of near-infrared and visible spectra: an application to a XIIth century Italian work of art
A Orlando, M Picollo, B Radicati, S Baronti, A Casini
Applied spectroscopy 49 (4), 459-465, 1995
Experimental study on a basanite from the McMurdo Volcanic Group, Antarctica: inference on its mantle source
A Orlando, S Conticelli, P Armienti, D Borrini
Antarctic Science 12 (1), 105-116, 2000
Notch-signaling deregulation induces myeloid-derived suppressor cells in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
P Grazioli, A Orlando, N Giordano, C Noce, G Peruzzi, B Abdollahzadeh, ...
Frontiers in Immunology 13, 809261, 2022
Experimental investigation of CO2-rich fluids production in a geothermal area: The Mt Amiata (Tuscany, Italy) case study
A Orlando, AM Conte, D Borrini, C Perinelli, G Gianelli, F Tassi
Chemical Geology 274 (3-4), 177-186, 2010
The island of Elba (Tuscany, Italy) at the crossroads of ancient trade routes: an archaeometric investigation of dolia defossa from the archaeological site of San …
R Manca, L Pagliantini, E Pecchioni, AP Santo, F Cambi, L Chiarantini, ...
Mineralogy and petrology 110, 693-711, 2016
Detection of alteration products in artworks by non-destructive spectroscopic analysis
M Bacci, S Baronti, A Casini, P Castagna, R Linari, A Orlando, M Picollo, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 352, 153, 1995
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