Small-scale dairy farming in the highlands of central Mexico: Technical, economic and social aspects and their impact on poverty A Espinoza-Ortega, E Espinosa-Ayala, J Bastida-Lopez, ... Experimental Agriculture 43 (2), 241-256, 2007 | 241 | 2007 |
La economía de los sistemas campesinos de producción de leche en el Estado de México A Espinoza-Ortega, A Álvarez-Macías, MC Del Valle, M Chauvete Técnica Pecuaria en México 43 (1), 39-56, 2005 | 143 | 2005 |
Evaluation of sustainability of smallholder dairy production systems in the highlands of Mexico during the rainy season L Fadul-Pacheco, MA Wattiaux, A Espinoza-Ortega, E Sánchez-Vera, ... Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 37 (8), 882-901, 2013 | 129 | 2013 |
The consumer of food products in organic markets of central Mexico SY Escobar-López, A Espinoza-Ortega, I Vizcarra-Bordi, H Thomé-Ortiz British Food Journal 119 (3), 558-574, 2017 | 109 | 2017 |
On-farm comparison of feeding strategies based on forages for small-scale dairy production systems in the highlands of central Mexico CM Arriaga-Jordán, B Albarrán-Portillo, A Espinoza-Ortega, ... Experimental Agriculture 38 (4), 375-388, 2002 | 108 | 2002 |
Performance of small-scale dairy farms in the highlands of central Mexico during the dry season under traditional feeding strategies CG Martínez-García, AA Rayas-Amor, JP Anaya-Ortega, ... Tropical Animal Health and Production 47, 331-337, 2015 | 91 | 2015 |
Alimentos artesanales y tradicionales: el queso Oaxaca como un caso de estudio del centro de México A Domínguez-López, A Villanueva-Carvajal, CM Arriaga-Jordán, ... Estudios sociales (Hermosillo, Son.) 19 (38), 165-193, 2011 | 91 | 2011 |
Determinación de la calidad fisicoquímica de la leche cruda producida en sistemas campesinos en dos regiones del Estado de México LRB Martínez, MÁR Garduño, CV Fontes, AE Ortega, JE Flores, ... Veterinaria México 38 (4), 395-407, 2007 | 81 | 2007 |
Motives for food choice of consumers in Central México A Espinoza-Ortega, CG Martínez-García, H Thomé-Ortiz, I Vizcarra-Bordi British Food Journal 118 (11), 2744-2760, 2016 | 76 | 2016 |
Silage from maize (Zea mays), annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) or their mixture in the dry season feeding of grazing dairy cows in small-scale dairy production … JP Anaya-Ortega, G Garduño-Castro, A Espinoza-Ortega, R Rojo-Rubio, ... Tropical Animal Health and Production 41, 607-616, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
What is a traditional food? Conceptual evolution from four dimensions Z Rocillo-Aquino, F Cervantes-Escoto, JA Leos-Rodríguez, ... Journal of Ethnic Foods 8, 1-10, 2021 | 71 | 2021 |
Local feeding strategies and milk composition in small-scale dairy production systems during the rainy season in the highlands of Mexico ÁR Alfonso-Ávila, MA Wattiaux, A Espinoza-Ortega, E Sánchez-Vera, ... Tropical Animal Health and Production 44, 637-644, 2012 | 67 | 2012 |
La concentración de agroindustrias rurales de producción de quesos en el noroeste del Estado de México: un estudio de caracterización T Castañeda Martínez, F Boucher, E Sánchez Vera, A Espinoza Ortega Estudios sociales (Hermosillo, Son.) 17 (34), 73-109, 2009 | 66 | 2009 |
Exploring the perception of Mexican urban consumers toward functional foods using the Free Word Association technique E Rojas‐Rivas, A Espinoza‐Ortega, CG Martínez‐García, ... Journal of Sensory Studies 33 (5), e12439, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Factors associated with the consumption of traditional foods in central Mexico MR Serrano-Cruz, A Espinoza-Ortega, WS Sepúlveda, I Vizcarra-Bordi, ... British Food Journal 120 (11), 2695-2709, 2018 | 56 | 2018 |
Nostalgia in food consumption: exploratory study among generations in Mexico A Espinoza-Ortega International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 25, 100399, 2021 | 52 | 2021 |
Consumers’ perception of amaranth in Mexico: A traditional food with characteristics of functional foods E Rojas-Rivas, A Espinoza-Ortega, H Thomé-Ortiz, S Moctezuma-Pérez British Food Journal 121 (6), 1190-1202, 2019 | 52 | 2019 |
Intercropped oats (Avena sativa) - common vetch (Vicia sativa) silage in the dry season for small-scale dairy systems in the Highlands of Central Mexico Y Garduño-Castro, A Espinoza-Ortega, CE González-Esquivel, ... Tropical animal health and production 41, 827-834, 2009 | 51 | 2009 |
Oaxaca cheese: Manufacture process and physicochemical characteristics EM De OCA‐FLORES, OA CASTELÁN‐ORTEGA, ... International journal of dairy technology 62 (4), 535-540, 2009 | 49 | 2009 |
Understanding consumers' perception and consumption motives towards amaranth in Mexico using the Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical concept of Habitus E Rojas-Rivas, A Espinoza-Ortega, H Thomé-Ortíz, S Moctezuma-Pérez, ... Appetite 139, 180-188, 2019 | 47 | 2019 |