David Pepper
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Key Competences in Europe: Opening Doors for Lifelong Learners Across the School Curriculum and Teacher Education (Warsaw, Case-Center for Social and Economic Research)
J Gordon, G Halasz, M Krawczyk, T Leney, A Michel, D Pepper, ...
Key competences in Europe: Opening doors for lifelong learners across the school curriculum and teacher education
J Gordon, G Halász, M Krawczyk, T Leney, A Michel, D Pepper, ...
CASE network Reports, 2009
Exploring the relative lack of impact of research on ‘ability grouping’in England: A discourse analytic account
B Francis, L Archer, J Hodgen, D Pepper, B Taylor, MC Travers
Cambridge Journal of Education 47 (1), 1-17, 2017
Assessing Key Competences across the Curriculum—and Europe
D Pepper
European Journal of Education 46 (3), 335-353, 2011
Is the UK an Outlier? An international comparison of upper secondary mathematics education
J Hodgen, D Pepper, L Sturman, G Ruddock
London: Nuffield Foundation.[pdf] Available at, 2010
Attainment Grouping as self-fulfilling prophesy? A mixed methods exploration of self confidence and set level among Year 7 students
B Francis, P Connolly, L Archer, J Hodgen, A Mazenod, D Pepper, ...
International Journal of Educational Research 86, 96-108, 2017
Factors deterring schools from mixed attainment teaching practice
B Taylor, B Francis, L Archer, J Hodgen, D Pepper, A Tereshchenko, ...
Pedagogy, Culture & Society 25 (3), 327-345, 2017
Nurturing learning or encouraging dependency? Teacher constructions of students in lower attainment groups in English secondary schools
A Mazenod, B Francis, L Archer, J Hodgen, B Taylor, A Tereshchenko, ...
Cambridge Journal of Education 49 (1), 53-68, 2019
The symbolic violence of setting: A Bourdieusian analysis of mixed methods data on secondary students’ views about setting
L Archer, B Francis, S Miller, B Taylor, A Tereshchenko, A Mazenod, ...
British Educational Research Journal 44 (1), 119-140, 2018
Evaluation of participation in A level mathematics: Interim report
A Matthews, D Pepper
London: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 2005
Learners’ attitudes to mixed-attainment grouping: examining the views of students of high, middle and low attainment
A Tereshchenko, B Francis, L Archer, J Hodgen, A Mazenod, B Taylor, ...
Research Papers in Education 34 (4), 425-444, 2019
Evaluation of participation in A level mathematics: Final report
A Matthews, D Pepper
London: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, 2007
Why is it difficult for schools to establish equitable practices in allocating students to attainment ‘sets’?
B Taylor, B Francis, N Craig, L Archer, J Hodgen, A Mazenod, ...
British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (1), 5-24, 2019
Think aloud: using cognitive interviewing to validate the PISA assessment of student self-efficacy in mathematics
D Pepper, J Hodgen, K Lamesoo, P Kõiv, J Tolboom
International Journal of Research & Method in Education 41 (1), 3-16, 2018
Towards universal participation in post-16 mathematics: lessons from high-performing countries
J Hodgen, R Marks, D Pepper
London: The Nuffield Foundalon, 2013
KeyCoNet 2012 Literature Review: Assessment for key competences more
D Pepper
Primary curriculum change: Directions of travel in 10 countries
D Pepper
London: QCA International Unit, 2008
Assessment for disabled students: an international comparison
D Pepper
London: QCA, 2007
Lower secondary school students' attitudes to mathematics: evidence from a large-scale survey in England
J Hodgen, D Küchemann, M Brown, R Coe
Research in Mathematics Education 12 (2), 155-156, 2010
D.,… Wisniewski, J.(2009)
J Gordon, G Halász, M Krawczyk, T Leney, AP Michel, D Pepper, ...
Key Competences in Europe: Opening Doors for Lifelong Learns across the …, 2009
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