Silke Adam
Silke Adam
Professor of Communication, University of Bern
E-mail megerősítve itt: ikmb.unibe.ch - Kezdőlap
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Applying LDA topic modeling in communication research: Toward a valid and reliable methodology
D Maier, A Waldherr, P Miltner, G Wiedemann, A Niekler, A Keinert, ...
Computational methods for communication science, 13-38, 2021
The network approach
S Adam, H Kriesi
Theories of the Policy Process, Second Edition, 129-154, 2019
Personalization of politics: A critical review and agenda for research
S Adam, M Michaela
Communication yearbook 34, 231-276, 2010
Comparative analysis of policy networks in Western Europe
H Kriesi, S Adam, M Jochum
Journal of European public policy 13 (3), 341-361, 2006
The contribution of the press to Europeanization of public debates: A comparative study of issue salience and conflict lines of European integration
B Pfetsch, S Adam, B Eschner
Journalism 9 (4), 465-492, 2008
A changing climate of skepticism: The factors shaping climate change coverage in the US press
H Schmid-Petri, S Adam, I Schmucki, T Häussler
Public Understanding of Science 26 (4), 498-513, 2017
Symbolische Netzwerke in Europa: der Einfluss der nationalen Ebene auf europäische Öffentlichkeit: Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich
S Adam
Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2007
National parties as politicizers of EU integration? Party campaign communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament election
S Adam, M Maier
European Union Politics 12 (3), 431-453, 2011
Domestic adaptations of Europe: A comparative study of the debates on EU enlargement and a common constitution in the German and French quality press
S Adam
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 19 (4), 409-433, 2007
The impact of identity and economic cues on citizens’ EU support: An experimental study on the effects of party communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament …
M Maier, S Adam, J Maier
European Union Politics 13 (4), 580-603, 2012
Automated tracking approaches for studying online media use: A critical review and recommendations
C Christner, A Urman, S Adam, M Maier
Communication methods and measures 16 (2), 79-95, 2022
Strategies of pro-European parties in the face of a Eurosceptic challenge
S Adam, EM Antl-Wittenberg, B Eugster, M Leidecker-Sandmann, M Maier, ...
European Union Politics 18 (2), 260-282, 2017
Die Akteursperspektive in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung—Fragestellungen, Forschungsparadigmen und Problemlagen
B Pfetsch, S Adam
Massenmedien als politische Akteure: Konzepte und Analysen, 9-26, 2008
The voice of the media in European public sphere: Comparative analysis of newspaper editorials
B Pfetsch, S Adam, B Berkel, JD Medrano
Berlin: Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung, 2004
Massenmedien als politische Akteure: Konzepte und Analysen
B Pfetsch, S Adam
Springer-Verlag, 2007
Medieninhalte aus der Netzwerkperspektive. Neue Erkenntnisse durch die Kombination von Inhalts-und Netzwerkanalyse.
S Adam
Publizistik-Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung 53 (2), 180-199, 2008
The media’s voice over Europe
B Pfetsch, S Adam, B Eschner
The Making of a Public Sphere: Media Discourse and Political Contention, 151-170, 2010
The critical linkage between online and offline media: An approach to researching the conditions of issue spill-over
B Pfetsch, S Adam, W Lance Bennett
Javnost-The Public 20 (3), 9-22, 2013
Public Relations aus politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht
S Adam, B Berkel, B Pfetsch
Handbuch der Public Relations, 78-89, 2008
How climate change skeptics (try to) spread their ideas: Using computational methods to assess the resonance among skeptics’ and legacy media
S Adam, U Reber, T Häussler, H Schmid-Petri
PLoS One 15 (10), e0240089, 2020
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