Graduates' employment and the discourse of employability: a critical analysis MP Moreau, C Leathwood Journal of education and work 19 (4), 305-324, 2006 | 748 | 2006 |
Balancing paid work and studies: working (‐class) students in higher education MP Moreau, C Leathwood Studies in Higher Education 31 (1), 23-42, 2006 | 347 | 2006 |
Care in academia: An exploration of student parents’ experiences MP Moreau, C Kerner British Journal of Sociology of Education 36 (2), 215-233, 2015 | 190 | 2015 |
Making sense of the glass ceiling in schools: An exploration of women teachers’ discourses MP Moreau, J Osgood, A Halsall Gender and education 19 (2), 237-253, 2007 | 181 | 2007 |
Imagining the mathematician: Young people talking about popular representations of maths D Epstein, H Mendick, MP Moreau Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education 31 (1), 45-60, 2010 | 119 | 2010 |
Regulating the student body/ies: University policies and student parents MP Moreau British Educational Research Journal 42 (5), 906-925, 2016 | 106 | 2016 |
Constructions of mathematicians in popular culture and learners’ narratives: a study of mathematical and non‐mathematical subjectivities MP Moreau, H Mendick, D Epstein Cambridge Journal of Education 40 (1), 25-38, 2010 | 83 | 2010 |
Experiences of black and minority ethnic staff working in higher education: literature review C Leathwood, U Maylor, MP Moreau Institute for Policy Studies in Education London Metropolitan University, 2009 | 71 | 2009 |
Carefree conferences? Academics with caring responsibilities performing mobile academic subjectivities EF Henderson, MP Moreau Gender and Education 32 (1), 70-85, 2020 | 63 | 2020 |
Teachers, gender and the feminisation debate MP Moreau Routledge, 2019 | 62 | 2019 |
Supporting student parents in higher education: A policy analysis MP Moreau, C Kerner Nuffield Foundation, 1-72, 2012 | 59 | 2012 |
Equal opportunities policies in English schools: Towards greater gender equality in the teaching workforce? MP Moreau, J Osgood, A Halsall Gender, Work & Organization 15 (6), 553-578, 2008 | 56 | 2008 |
Les enseignants et le genre: Les inégalités hommes-femmes dans l'enseignement du second degré en France et en Angleterre MP Moreau PUF, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
The career progression of women teachers in England: a study of barriers to promotion and career development MP Moreau, J Osgood, A Halsall Report for Institute for Policy Studies in Education. London Metropolitan …, 2005 | 49 | 2005 |
The societal construction of ‘boys’ underachievement’in educational policies: a cross‐national comparison MP Moreau Journal of Education Policy 26 (2), 161-180, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Mathematical images and gender identities: A report on the gendering of representations of mathematics and mathematicians in popular culture and their influences on learners H Mendick, MP Moreau, S Hollinworth UK Resource Centre for Women in Science Engineering and Technology, 2008 | 46 | 2008 |
New media, old images: constructing online representations of women and men in science, engineering and technology H Mendick, MP Moreau Gender and Education 25 (3), 325-339, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
Becoming a secondary school teacher in England and France: Contextualising career ‘choice’ MP Moreau Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 45 (3), 401-421, 2015 | 34 | 2015 |
‘You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’? Support to academics who are carers in higher education MP Moreau, M Robertson Social Sciences 8 (6), 164, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Special cases: Neoliberalism, choice, and mathematics H Mendick, P MOREAU, D Epstein Mathematical relationships in education, 85-96, 2011 | 31 | 2011 |