Unfulfilled promises of the consultation approach: the limits to effective indigenous participation in Bolivia’s and Peru’s extractive industries R Flemmer, A Schilling‐Vacaflor Third World Quarterly 37 (1), 172-188, 2016 | 164 | 2016 |
Conflict transformation through prior consultation? Lessons from Peru A Schilling-Vacaflor, R Flemmer Journal of Latin American Studies 47 (4), 811-839, 2015 | 114 | 2015 |
A political ecology perspective on resource extraction and human security in Kenya, Bolivia and Peru J Schilling, A Schilling-Vacaflor, R Flemmer, R Froese The Extractive Industries and Society 8 (4), 100826, 2021 | 62 | 2021 |
Contesting the hydrocarbon frontiers: state depoliticizing practices and local responses in Peru A Schilling-Vacaflor, R Flemmer, A Hujber World Development 108, 74-85, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Why is prior consultation not yet an effective tool for conflict resolution? The case of Peru A Schilling-Vacaflor, R Flemmer GIGA-German Institute of Global and Area Studies, 2013 | 47 | 2013 |
Mobilising Free, Prior and Informed Consent (fpic) from Below: A Typology of Indigenous Peoples’ Agency A Schilling-Vacaflor, R Flemmer International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 27 (2), 291-313, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Stuck in the middle: Indigenous interpreters and the politics of vernacularizing prior consultation in Peru R Flemmer The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 23 (3), 521-540, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
El derecho a la consulta previa: Normas jurídicas, prácticas y conflictos en América Latina: Koordinationsstelle indigene Völker in Lateinamerika und Karibik (KIVLAK) A Schilling-Vacaflor, R Flemmer GIZ, 2013 | 19* | 2013 |
Prior consultation as a door opener: Frontier negotiations, grassroots contestation, and new recognition politics in Peru R Flemmer The Prior Consultation of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America, 106-118, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Why is prior consultation not yet an effective tool for conflict resolution A SCHILLING-VACAFLOR, R FLEMMER The case of Peru, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |
Rohstoffabbau in Lateinamerika: Fehlende Bürgerbeteiligung schürt Konflikte A Schilling-Vacaflor, R Flemmer GIGA Focus Lateinamerika 5, 8, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Lecciones de los primeros procesos de la consulta previa en el sector de hidrocarburos en Perú R Flemmer Iberoamericana: América Latina; España; Portugal: 58, 2, 2015, 166-171, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
What Is at Stake? The Ontological Dimension of Environmental Conflicts R Flemmer, V Gresz, J Hein Society & Natural Resources 37 (5), 608-622, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
The Contested Meaning of Prior Consultation and FPIC: Indigenous Grassroots and the Politics of Translating Rights in Struggles Over Resources in the Peruvian Amazon R Flemmer Universität Hamburg, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Proximity as method: concepts for coexistence in the global past and present R Flemmer, B Gill, J Kosgei Taylor & Francis, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Contesting state monologues: Indigenous grassroots’ struggles with prior consultation norms in the Peruvian Amazon R Flemmer International Studies Quarterly 67 (3), sqad068, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Introduction: proximity as method: concepts for coexistence in the global past and present R Flemmer, B Gill, D Kimmich, J Kosgei, R West-Pavlov Proximity as Method, 1-17, 2024 | | 2024 |
Brokers of Words and Worlds?: Reflections on Skills and Responsibilities of Non-Indigenous Translators in Indigenous Peoples' Struggles R Flemmer Proximity as Method, 197-210, 2024 | | 2024 |
Warum die Natur Rechte haben sollte M Kramm, R Flemmer | | 2023 |
Rechte für Flüsse, Berge und Wälder: eine neue Perspektive für den Naturschutz? M Kramm, R Flemmer, A Gutmann, HL Bader, FM Raddatz, JG Ruales, ... | | 2023 |