Karim Tabia
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
An intrusion detection and alert correlation approach based on revising probabilistic classifiers using expert knowledge
S Benferhat, A Boudjelida, K Tabia, H Drias
Applied intelligence 38, 520-540, 2013
A General Modifier-Based Framework for Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering.
JF Baget, S Benferhat, Z Bouraoui, M Croitoru, ML Mugnier, O Papini, ...
KR, 513-516, 2016
How to select one preferred assertional-based repair from inconsistent and prioritized DL-Lite knowledge bases?
S Benferhat, Z Bouraoui, K Tabia
IJCAI, 1450-1456, 2015
ASTERYX: A model-Agnostic SaT-basEd appRoach for sYmbolic and score-based eXplanations
R Boumazouza, F Cheikh-Alili, B Mazure, K Tabia
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2021
On the combination of naive bayes and decision trees for intrusion detection
S Benferhat, K Tabia
International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling …, 2005
On personalization in IoT
T Vallée, K Sedki, S Despres, MC Jaulant, K Tabia, A Ugon
2016 international conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2016
Non-objection inference for inconsistency-tolerant query answering
S Benferhat, Z Bouraoui, M Croitoru, O Papini, K Tabia
25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2016 …, 2016
Inference in possibilistic network classifiers under uncertain observations
S Benferhat, K Tabia
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 64 (2), 269-309, 2012
An efficient algorithm for naive possibilistic classifiers with uncertain inputs
S Benferhat, K Tabia
Scalable Uncertainty Management: Second International Conference, SUM 2008 …, 2008
Dance training tool using kinect-based skeleton tracking and evaluating dancer’s performance
O Muangmoon, P Sureephong, K Tabia
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice: 30th …, 2017
Inconsistency-tolerant query answering: Rationality properties and computational complexity analysis
JF Baget, S Benferhat, Z Bouraoui, M Croitoru, ML Mugnier, O Papini, ...
Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 15th European Conference, JELIA 2016 …, 2016
Jeffrey’s rule of conditioning in a possibilistic framework: an analysis of the existence and uniqueness of the solution
S Benferhat, K Tabia, K Sedki
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 61, 185-202, 2011
Alert correlation in intrusion detection: Combining AI-based approaches for exploiting security operators’ knowledge and preferences
K Tabia, S Benferhat, P Leray, L Mé
Working Notes for the 2011 IJCAI Workshop on Intelligent Security (SecArt), 42, 2011
Polynomial algorithms for computing a single preferred assertional-based repair
A Telli, S Benferhat, M Bourahla, Z Bouraoui, K Tabia
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 31, 15-30, 2017
Stacking of SVMs for classifying intangible cultural heritage images
TN Do, TP Pham, NK Pham, HH Nguyen, K Tabia, S Benferhat
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2020
An Ontology-based Modelling of Vietnamese Traditional Dances (S).
TT Ma, S Benferhat, Z Bouraoui, K Tabia, TN Do, HH Nguyen
SEKE, 64-67, 2018
Automatic annotation of traditional dance data using motion features
H Chaudhry, K Tabia, SA Rahim, S BenFerhat
2017 International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology (ICDAMT …, 2017
On the use of decision trees as behavioral approaches in intrusion detection
K Tabia, S Benferhat
2008 Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2008
Classification features for detecting server-side and client-side web attacks
B Salem, T Karim
IFIP International Information Security Conference, 729-733, 2008
Belief graphical models for uncertainty representation and reasoning
S Benferhat, P Leray, K Tabia
A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research: Volume II: AI Algorithms …, 2020
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