P. Sol Hart
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Boomerang Effects in Science Communication: How Motivated Reasoning and Identity Cues Amplify Opinion Polarization About Climate Mitigation Policies
P Hart, EC Nisbet
Communication Research, 2011
Politicization and polarization in COVID-19 news coverage
PS Hart, S Chinn, S Soroka
Science communication 42 (5), 679-697, 2020
Polarized frames on “climate change” and “global warming” across countries and states: Evidence from Twitter big data
SM Jang, PS Hart
Global environmental change 32, 11-17, 2015
The boomerang effect a synthesis of findings and a preliminary theoretical framework
S Byrne, PS Hart
Annals of the International Communication Association 33 (1), 3-37, 2009
Politicization and polarization in climate change news content, 1985-2017
S Chinn, PS Hart, S Soroka
Science Communication 42 (1), 112-129, 2020
Using political efficacy messages to increase climate activism: The mediating role of emotions
L Feldman, PS Hart
Science Communication 38 (1), 99-127, 2016
One or Many? The Influence of Episodic and Thematic Climate Change Frames on Policy Preferences and Individual Behavior Change
PS Hart
Science Communication 33 (1), 28-51, 2011
Threat without efficacy? Climate change on US network news
PS Hart, L Feldman
Science Communication 36 (3), 325-351, 2014
Informing patients: the influence of numeracy, framing, and format of side effect information on risk perceptions
E Peters, PS Hart, L Fraenkel
Medical Decision Making 31 (3), 432-436, 2011
Is there any hope? How climate change news imagery and text influence audience emotions and support for climate mitigation policies
L Feldman, PS Hart
Risk Analysis 38 (3), 585-602, 2018
Polarizing news? Representations of threat and efficacy in leading US newspapers’ coverage of climate change
L Feldman, PS Hart, T Milosevic
Public Understanding of Science 26 (4), 481-497, 2017
Public opinion on energy development: the interplay of issue framing, top-of-mind associations, and political ideology
CE Clarke, PS Hart, JP Schuldt, DTN Evensen, HS Boudet, JB Jacquet, ...
Energy Policy 81, 131-140, 2015
Attitude change in competitive framing environments? Open-/closed-mindedness, framing effects, and climate change
EC Nisbet, PS Hart, T Myers, M Ellithorpe
Journal of Communication 63 (4), 766-785, 2013
How geographic distance and political ideology interact to influence public perception of unconventional oil/natural gas development
CE Clarke, D Bugden, PS Hart, RC Stedman, JB Jacquet, DTN Evensen, ...
Energy Policy 97, 301-309, 2016
The impact of climate change–related imagery and text on public opinion and behavior change
PS Hart, L Feldman
Science Communication 38 (4), 415-441, 2016
Climate change as a polarizing cue: Framing effects on public support for low-carbon energy policies
L Feldman, PS Hart
Global Environmental Change 51, 54-66, 2018
Public attention to science and political news and support for climate change mitigation
PS Hart, EC Nisbet, TA Myers
Nature Climate Change 5 (6), 541-545, 2015
Do hostile media perceptions lead to action? The role of hostile media perceptions, political efficacy, and ideology in predicting climate change activism
L Feldman, PS Hart, A Leiserowitz, E Maibach, C Roser-Renouf
Communication Research 44 (8), 1099-1124, 2017
The influence of climate change efficacy messages and efficacy beliefs on intended political participation
PS Hart, L Feldman
PloS one 11 (8), e0157658, 2016
Public support for carbon dioxide removal strategies: the role of tampering with nature perceptions
KS Wolske, KT Raimi, V Campbell-Arvai, PS Hart
Climatic Change 152, 345-361, 2019
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