A formula for angles between subspaces of inner product spaces. H Gunawan, O Neswan, W Setya-Budhi Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 46 (2), 311-320, 2005 | 90 | 2005 |
Langkah awal menuju ke olimpiade matematika WS Budhi Jakarta: Ricardo, 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
Berpikir matematis: matematika untuk semua WS Budhi, BG Kartasasmita, AM Drajat Erlangga, 2015 | 39 | 2015 |
Inclusion properties of Orlicz and weak Orlicz spaces AA Masta, H Gunawan, WS Budhi arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.03214, 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
Matematika untuk SMP kelas VII semester 1 WS Budhi Mathematics for junior secondary school grade VII semester, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |
Aljabar Linear WS Budhi Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1995 | 29 | 1995 |
An inclusion property of Orlicz-Morrey spaces H Gunawan, W Setya-Budhi Journal of Physics: Conference Series 893 (1), 012015, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
An inclusion property of Orlicz-Morrey spaces A Azhary Masta, H Gunawan, W Setya-Budhi JPhCS 893 (1), 012015, 2017 | 27* | 2017 |
A boundary element method for the solution of a class of steady-state problems for anisotropic media DL Clements, WS Budhi | 27 | 1999 |
Kalkulus Peubah banyak dan penggunaannya WS Budhi ITB. Bandung, 2001 | 26* | 2001 |
ON VOLUMES OF n-DIMENSIONAL PARALLELEPIPEDS IN ℓ p SPACES H Gunawan, W Setya-Budhi, SG Mashadi Publikacije Elektrotehničkog fakulteta. Serija Matematika, 48-54, 2005 | 21 | 2005 |
On inclusion properties of two versions of Orlicz–Morrey spaces AA Masta, H Gunawan, W Setya-Budhi Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 14, 1-12, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
A boundary element method for the numerical solution of a class of elliptic boundary value problems for anisotropic inhomogeneous media MI Azis, DL Clements, WS Budhi ANZIAM Journal 44, C79-C95, 2002 | 10 | 2002 |
Proper holomorphic mappings in several complex variables MW Setya-Budhi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993 | 10 | 1993 |
Rough Fractional Integral Operators on Morrey–Adams Spaces D Salim, WS Budhi preprint Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Rough fractional integral operators and beyond Adams inequalities D Salim, Y Soeharyadi, WSS Budhi Math. Inequal. Appl 22 (2), 747-760, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Numerical Studying of Soliton in the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) Equation L Yuliawati, WS Budhi, D Adytia Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1127 (1), 012065, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Simulation of obliquely interacting solitary waves with a hard wall by using HAWASSI-VBM and SWASH model L Yuliawati, N Subasita, D Adytia, WS Budhi AIP Conference Proceedings 1707 (1), 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Boundedness of multilinear generalized fractional integral operators in generalized Morrey space WS Budhi, J Lindiarti Far East J. Math. Sci 57 (1), 91-104, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Bahan Ajar Persiapan Menuju Olimpiade Sains Nasional atau Internasional SMP: Matematika WS Budhi Jakarta: CV Zamrud Kemala, 2010 | 6* | 2010 |