Michael Dahlstrom
Michael Dahlstrom
E-mail megerősítve itt: iastate.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Using narratives and storytelling to communicate science with nonexpert audiences
MF Dahlstrom
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 111 (supplement_4), 13614-13620, 2014
Reporting a potential pandemic: A risk-related assessment of avian influenza coverage in US newspapers
AD Dudo, MF Dahlstrom, D Brossard
Science communication 28 (4), 429-454, 2007
Influence of evidence type and narrative type on HPV risk perception and intention to obtain the HPV vaccine
X Nan, MF Dahlstrom, A Richards, S Rangarajan
Health communication 30 (3), 301-308, 2015
The role of causality in information acceptance in narratives: An example from science communication
MF Dahlstrom
Communication research 37 (6), 857-875, 2010
Ethical considerations of using narrative to communicate science
MF Dahlstrom, SS Ho
Science Communication 34 (5), 592-617, 2012
Communication strategies for earning trust in climate change debates
J Goodwin, MF Dahlstrom
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 5 (1), 151-160, 2014
The persuasive influence of narrative causality: Psychological mechanism, strength in overcoming resistance, and persistence over time
MF Dahlstrom
Media Psychology 15 (3), 303-326, 2012
The narrative truth about scientific misinformation
MF Dahlstrom
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (15), e1914085117, 2021
Precision of information, sensational information, and self‐efficacy information as message‐level variables affecting risk perceptions
MF Dahlstrom, A Dudo, D Brossard
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 32 (1), 155-166, 2012
Diversity of television exposure and its association with the cultivation of concern for environmental risks
MF Dahlstrom, DA Scheufele
Environmental Communication 4 (1), 54-65, 2010
Ethics and practice in science communication
S Priest, J Goodwin, MF Dahlstrom
University of Chicago Press, 2019
Operational and conceptual trends in narrative persuasion research: Comparing health-and non-health-related contexts.
MF Dahlstrom, J Niederdeppe, L Gao, X Zhu
International Journal of Communication (19328036) 11, 2017
(Escaping) the paradox of scientific storytelling
MF Dahlstrom, DA Scheufele
PLoS Biology 16 (10), e2006720, 2018
Third-person perception of science narratives: The case of climate change denial
MF Dahlstrom, S Rosenthal
Science Communication 40 (3), 340-365, 2018
The moderating influence of narrative causality as an untapped pool of variance for narrative persuasion
MF Dahlstrom
Communication Research 42 (6), 779-795, 2015
33 How Narrative Functions in Entertainment to Communicate Science
M Kaplan, M Dahlstrom
The Oxford handbook of the science of science communication, 311, 2017
Addressing individual values to impact prudent antimicrobial prescribing in animal agriculture
LE Redding, C Brooks, CB Georgakakos, G Habing, L Rosenkrantz, ...
Frontiers in veterinary science 7, 297, 2020
The problem of communicating beyond human scale
M Dahlstrom, R Ritland
An inconvenient source? Attributes of science documentaries and their effects on information-related behavioral intentions
SK Yeo, AR Binder, MF Dahlstrom, D Brossard
Journal of Science Communication 17 (2), A07, 2018
White Dwarf Stars: The remnants of Sun-like stars, white dwarfs offer clues to the identity of dark matter and the age of our Galaxy
SD Kawaler, M Dahlstrom
American Scientist 88 (6), 498-507, 2000
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