Wojciech Kosior
Wojciech Kosior
Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations, Jagiellonian University
E-mail megerősítve itt: uj.edu.pl - Kezdőlap
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
A tale of two sisters: The image of Eve in early rabbinic literature and its influence on the portrayal of Lilith in the Alphabet of Ben Sira
W Kosior
Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues, 112-130, 2018
The Angel in the Hebrew Bible from the Statistic and Hermeneutic Perspectives. Some Remarks on the Interpolation Theory
W Kosior
The Polish Journal of Biblical Research 12 (1 (23)), 55-70, 2013
The Crimes of Love. The (Un)Censored Version of the Flood Story in Noah (2014)
W Kosior
Journal of Religion & Film 20 (3), 2016
“It Will Not Let the Destroying [One] Enter”. The Mezuzah as an Apotropaic Device according to Biblical and Rabbinic Sources
W Kosior
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture 9, 127-144, 2014
Brit milah. Some Remarks on the Apotropaic Meaning of Circumcision in Agadic Midrashes (Brit mila. Uwagi o apotropaicznym znaczeniu obrzezaniu w midraszach agadycznych)
W Kosior
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture 1, 103-118, 2013
Anioł w Biblii hebrajskiej: pojęcie מלאך w ujęciu statystycznym i hermeneutycznym
W Kosior
The Underworld or its Ruler? Some Remarks on the Concept of Sheol in the Hebrew Bible
W Kosior
Polish Journal of Biblical Research 13, 29-41, 2014
Elyonim veTachtonim. Some Methodological Considerations on the Electronic Database of Angels, Demons and Ghosts in Early Rabbinic Literature
W Kosior
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 5 (1), 89-112, 2017
Upadli (czy) giganci? Kilka uwag o nefilim i gigantes w Biblii hebrajskiej i Septuagincie
W Kosior
Przekładaniec., 41-64, 2014
“Six Things Are Said Concerning Demons”(Hagigah 16a). The System of Topic Tags Used in the Elyonim veTachtonim Inventory to Describe the Features of Supernatural Entities and …
W Kosior
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 13 (1), 109-131, 2021
The Angelized Rabbis and the Rabbinized Angels. The Reworked Motif of the Angelic Progeny in the Babylonian Talmud (bShabb 112b)
W Kosior
Verbum Vitae 41 (2), 411-427, 2023
“And Gabriel Kept on Writing”(Megilla 16a). Literary Features of Traditions Involving Supernatural Entities in the Babylonian Talmud according to the Elyonim veTachtonim Project
W Kosior
The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 16 (2), 47-69, 2022
The Application of Digital Humanities in Intercultural Studies on the Example of the Project Elyonim veTachtonim
W Kosior
Badania myśli pozaeuropejskiej w Polsce: tradycjestany rzeczy–projekty, 2022
" The affair of Uzza and Azael"(B. Yoma 67b): the creation of demons and the myth of the fallen angels in the Babylonian Talmud
W Kosior
Henoch: studi storico-testuali su giudaismo e cristianesimo in età antica e …, 2021
“Like a Throne of Glory:” The Apotropaic Potential of Ṣîṣîṯ in the Hebrew Bible and Early Rabbinic Literature
W Kosior
Review of Rabbinic Judaism 21 (2), 176-201, 2018
The Fallen (Or) Giants? The Gigantic Qualities of the Nefilim in the Hebrew Bible
W Kosior
Jewish Translation—Translating Jewishness, 17-38, 2018
Apotropaiony w midraszu do Księgi Jonasza według Pirke de-rabbi Eliezer: wstęp, przekład i komentarz
W Kosior
The apotropaic potential of the name" Shadday" in the Hebrew Bible and the early rabbinic literature
W Kosior
Kain według midraszu Bereszit rabba 22: tłumaczenie i komentarz
W Kosior
Measuring the strength of belief in the supernatural entities in the Babylonian Talmud. A method based on the Elyonim veTachtonim project
W Kosior
Critical Research on Religion 11 (3), 349-367, 2023
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