Dr. Nuarrual Hilal Md Dahlan ACIS(CS)(CGP),CC
Dr. Nuarrual Hilal Md Dahlan ACIS(CS)(CGP),CC
Professor of Law, School of Law, Universiti Utara Malaysia
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Legitimacy Of Children Born By Artificial Insemination In Malaysia: A Legal Analysis Of Section 112 Of The Evidence Act 1950
A Masum, N Ahmad, NHM Dahlan
LNS (A) cxiii Legal Network Series 2, 1-18, 2021
Abandoned Housing Projects in Peninsular Malaysia: Legal and Regulatory Framework
NHM Dahlan
Ahmad Ibrahim, Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2009
Shariah and legal issues in house buying in Malaysia: The legality of Bay'Bithaman-al-Ajil ('BBA') with special reference to abandoned housing projects
Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 2011
Legal issues in the rehabilitation of abandoned housing projects of the liquidated housing-developer-companies in peninsular Malaysia
NHM Dahlan
European Journal of Social Sciences 23 (3), 2011
Current legal issues concerning awqaf in Malaysia
SZSA Kader, NHM Dahlan
International Conference on Waqf Laws and Management, 27-38, 2009
Legal issues and prospects in the protection and assistance of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria
S Ekpa, NHM Dahlan
JL Pol'y & Globalization 49, 108, 2016
The Shariah Advisory Council in the Malaysian Islamic financial institutions: features and legal issues
NHM Dahlan, AZA Jalil, Z Zainol, S Maamor
Journal for Global Business Advancement 9 (3), 284-298, 2016
Shariah and legal issues in the Bay'Bithaman-Al-Ajil (BBA): A viewpoint
NH Md Dahlan, SZ Syed Abdul Kader
Malayan Law Journal 6 (lxxv), 1-24, 2010
Is Malaysian Islamic home financing bay’bithaman al-ajil (‘BBA’) compatible with Islamic law? A critical examination on the issue of ‘beneficial ownership’
NH Md Dahlan, F Mohd Noor, MS Shuib
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 8 (2), 27-36, 2017
Rehabilitation of abandoned housing projects: A comparative analysis between the law and practice in Peninsular Malaysia and the Republic of Singapore
NHM Dahlan
Commonwealth Law Bulletin 37 (1), 145-173, 2011
Abandoned housing projects in Malaysia: A legal perspective
NH Md Dahlan
The Malayan law journal 6, 1-21, 2006
Towards the evolution of right to reparation for loss of housing and property of internally displaced persons (IDPS) in Nigeria
S Ekpa, NH Md Dahlan
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
The Need to Define'Abandoned Housing Project'in Peninsular Malaysia: An Analysis
NHM Dahlan
IIUMLJ 16, 85, 2008
Mengandung anak tak sah taraf: Kajian kes di Daerah Kubang Pasu, Kedah
NHM Dahlan
UUM Journal of Legal Studies 8, 17-55, 2017
Issues in Bay'Bithaman Al-Ajil Islamic Home Finance (BBA) in Abandoned Housing Projects in Malaysia: An Examination of Gharar
NHM Dahlan, MS Shuib, FM Noor
JL Pol'y & Globalization 57, 122, 2017
Smart home user's information in cloud system: A comparison between Malaysian personal data protection act 2010 and EU general data protection regulation
NA Basarudin, AL Yeon, Z Mohamed Yusoff, NH Md Dahlan, N Mahdzir
Malaysian Construction Research Journal 2 (2), 209-222, 2017
Kewajipan menanggung nafkah anak tak sah taraf: Satu kajian kes di Negeri Kedah
AG Ahmad, NH Md Dahlan
Kanun: Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia 28 (2), 214-244, 2016
Smart home assisted living for elderly: The needs for regulations
NA Basarudin, AL Yeon, ZM Yusoff, NHM Dahlan, N Mahdzir
Journal of Social Sciences Research, 2018
Issues in the rehabilitation of failed residential projects in Malaysia: clash between the interests of purchasers and secured creditor chargee
NHM Dahlan
Journal for Global Business Advancement 7 (2), 139-150, 2014
Are the Statutory Standard Sale and Purchase of House Contracts In Peninsular Malaysia Compatible With Islamic Law?
NHM Dahlan
Malayan Law Journal, 2009
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