Tripta Jhang
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Assessment of clonal fidelity of micropropagated gerbera plants by ISSR markers
R Bhatia, KP Singh, T Jhang, TR Sharma
Scientia Horticulturae 119 (2), 208-211, 2009
Evaluation of the genetic fidelity of in vitro-propagated gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus) using DNA-based markers
R Bhatia, KP Singh, TR Sharma, T Jhang
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 104, 131-135, 2011
Pyramiding of two bacterial blight resistance and a semidwarfing gene in Type 3 Basmati using marker-assisted selection
D Rajpurohit, R Kumar, M Kumar, P Paul, A Awasthi, P Osman Basha, ...
Euphytica 178, 111-126, 2011
Genetic differentiation of Vigna species by RAPD, URP and SSR markers
HK Dikshit, T Jhang, NK Singh, KR Koundal, KC Bansal, N Chandra, ...
Biologia plantarum 51, 451-457, 2007
Application of different molecular techniques for deciphering genetic diversity among yeast isolates of traditional fermented food products of Western Himalayas
N Pathania, SS Kanwar, T Jhang, KR Koundal, TR Sharma
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 26, 1539-1547, 2010
Genetic variability, analysis of genetic parameters, character associations and contribution for agronomical traits in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
R Mishra, AK Gupta, RK Lal, T Jhang, N Banerjee
Industrial Crops and Products 76, 204-208, 2015
Molecular and Pathological Characterization of Colletotrichum falcatum Infecting Subtropical Indian Sugarcane
N Kumar, T Jhang, TR Sharma
Journal of Phytopathology 159 (4), 260-267, 2011
Seeding a sustainable future: navigating the digital horizon of smart agriculture
S Balyan, H Jangir, SN Tripathi, A Tripathi, T Jhang, P Pandey
Sustainability 16 (2), 475, 2024
In situ and ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources and traditional knowledge
D Rajpurohit, T Jhang
Plant genetic resources and traditional knowledge for food security, 137-162, 2015
Evaluation of somaclonal variation for genetic improvement of patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli), an exclusively vegetatively propagated aromatic plant
NS Ravindra, SI Ramesh, MK Gupta, T Jhang, AK Shukla, MP Darokar, ...
Journal of crop science and biotechnology 15, 33-39, 2012
Breeding medicinal plant, periwinkle [Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don]: a review
RN Kulkarni, K Baskaran, T Jhang
Plant Genetic Resources 14 (4), 283-302, 2016
Deciphering the mechanisms, hormonal signaling, and potential applications of endophytic microbes to mediate stress tolerance in medicinal plants
P Pandey, A Tripathi, S Dwivedi, K Lal, T Jhang
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1250020, 2023
Comparative Analysis and EST Mining Reveals High Degree of Conservation among Five Brassicaceae Species
J Bhati, H Sonah, T Jhang, NK Singh, TR Sharma
International Journal of Genomics 2010 (1), 520238, 2010
Registration of a new high yielding variety “CIMAP-Pratap” of Ashwagandha [Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal] suitable for cultivation in drought prone areas of India
RK Lal, R Chandra, HS Chauhan, HO Misra, RS Sangwan, MM Gupta, ...
J. Med. Aromat. Plant Sci. 34 (3&4), 178-182, 2012
Efficiency of different marker systems for molecular characterization of subtropical carrot germplasm
T Jhang, M Kaur, P Kalia, TR Sharma
The Journal of Agricultural Science 148 (2), 171-181, 2010
Genetic diversity in germplasm collections of Withania somnifera for root and leaf alkaloids.
AK Gupta, SR Verma, MM Gupta, D Saikia, RK Verma, T Jhang
Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants 12 (1), 2011
Inter Simple Sequence Repeat Analysis to Confirm Genetic Stability of Micropropagated Plantlets in Three Grape (Vitis spp) Rootstock Genotypes
M Alizadeh, SK Singh, T Jhang, TR Sharma
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 17, 77-80, 2008
Developing herbal mosquito repellent cotton fabric using the optimized process variables for the safe environment
M Pavan, A Rani, T Jhang, SP Singh
Materials today: proceedings 78, 900-906, 2023
Exegesis of cultivars-multi-year/environment interactions for agro morphological traits in Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal)
A Kumar, RK Lal, AK Gupta, AC Jnanesha, T Jhang, J Srivastava, ...
South African Journal of Botany 151, 523-531, 2022
Molecular identification and introgression of QTLs for yield components from temperate japonica rice in Basmati 370
T Jhang, Y Vikal, K Singh, HS Dhaliwal, JS Sidhu
SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 38 (2), 83, 2006
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