Secrecy performance analysis of energy harvesting wireless sensor networks with a friendly jammer TG Nguyen, C So-In, DB Ha
IEEE Access 5, 25196-25206, 2017
63 2017 Outage performance of energy harvesting DF relaying NOMA networks DB Ha, SQ Nguyen
Mobile Networks and Applications 23, 1572-1585, 2018
61 2018 Underlay cognitive radio networks with cooperative non‐orthogonal multiple access S Lee, TQ Duong, DB da Costa, DB Ha, SQ Nguyen
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50 2018 Secure Transmit Antenna Selection Protocol for MIMO NOMA Networks Over Nakagami-m Channels DD Tran, HV Tran, DB Ha, G Kaddoum
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (1), 253-264, 2019
42 2019 Performance Analysis of DF/AF Cooperative MISO Wireless Sensor Networks With NOMA and SWIPT Over Nakagami- Fading DD Tran, DB Ha, C So-In, H Tran, TG Nguyen, ZA Baig, S Sanguanpong
IEEE access 6, 56142-56161, 2018
41 2018 Opportunistic networks: present scenario-a mirror review A Nayyar, RS Batth, DB Ha, G Sussendran
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 10 …, 2018
37 2018 Performance analysis and optimization for IoT mobile edge computing networks with RF energy harvesting and UAV relaying AN Nguyen, DB Ha, VT Truong, DT Do, C So-In
IEEE Access 10, 21526-21540, 2022
34 2022 On the System Performance of Mobile Edge Computing in an Uplink NOMA WSN With a Multiantenna Access Point Over Nakagami- Fading VT Truong, DB Ha, C So-In
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 9 (4), 668-685, 2022
33 2022 System Performance Analysis for an Energy Harvesting IoT System Using a DF/AF UAV-Enabled Relay with Downlink NOMA under Nakagami-m Fading AN Nguyen, VN Vo, C So-In, DB Ha
Sensors 21 (1), 285, 2021
33 2021 Performance Analysis for RF Energy Harvesting Mobile Edge Computing Networks with SIMO/MISO-NOMA Schemes. DB Ha, VT Truong, Y Lee
EAI Endorsed Trans. Ind. Networks Intell. Syst. 8 (27), e2, 2021
32 2021 Quality-of-service aware game theory-based uplink power control for 5G heterogeneous networks I Ahmad, Z Kaleem, R Narmeen, LD Nguyen, DB Ha
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32 2019 Performance of amplify-and-forward relaying with wireless power transfer over dissimilar channels DBH Ha, DD Tran, V Tran-Ha, EK Hong
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 21 (5), 90-95, 2015
30 2015 Physical layer secrecy performance over Rayleigh/Rician fading channels DB Ha, TQ Duong, DD Tran, HJ Zepernick, TT Vu
2014 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications …, 2014
23 2014 Cognitive heterogeneous networks with unreliable backhaul connections HT Nguyen, DB Ha, SQ Nguyen, WJ Hwang
Mobile Networks and Applications 23, 1525-1538, 2018
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IEEE Access 7, 139212-139225, 2019
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2018 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing …, 2018
19 2018 Secure cognitive reactive decode-and-forward relay networks: With and without eavesdropper DB Ha, TT Vu, TT Duy, VNQ Bao
Wireless Personal Communications 85, 2619-2641, 2015
18 2015 Secrecy performance analysis and optimization for UAV-relay-enabled WPT and cooperative NOMA MEC in IoT networks AN Nguyen, DB Ha, T Van Truong, S Sanguanpong, C So-In
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17 2023 Effective secrecy-SINR analysis of time reversal-employed systems over correlated multi-path channel HV Tran, H Tran, G Kaddoum, DD Tran, DB Ha
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