Andrea Krizsan
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Institutionalizing intersectionality: The changing nature of European equality regimes
A Krizsán, H Skjeie, J Squires
Basingstoke MacMillan, 2012
Towards a conceptual framework for struggles over democracy in backsliding states: Gender equality policy in Central Eastern Europe
A Krizsan, C Roggeband
Politics and Governance 6 (3), 90-100, 2018
Politicizing gender and democracy in the context of the Istanbul Convention
A Krizsán, C Roggeband
Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
The quality of gender equality policies: A discursive approach
A Krizsan, E Lombardo
European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (1), 77-92, 2013
Reversing gender policy progress: Patterns of backsliding in Central and Eastern European new democracies
C Roggeband, A Krizsán
European Journal of Politics and Gender 1 (3), 367-385, 2018
Critical frame analysis: A comparative methodology for the'Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies'(QUING) project
T Dombos, A Krizsan, M Verloo, V Zentai
Center for Policy Studies Central European University, 2012
Stopping rape: Towards a comprehensive policy
S Walby, P Olive, J Towers, BJ Francis, S Strid, A Krizsan, E Lombardo, ...
Policy Press, 2015
Europeanization in making policies against domestic violence in Central and Eastern Europe
A Krizsan, R Popa
Social Politics 17 (3), 379-406, 2010
Democratic backsliding and backlash against women’s rights: Understanding the current challenges for feminist politics
C Roggeband, A Krizsán
UN Women Discussion Paper https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library …, 2020
Gender equality policy or gender mainstreaming? The case of Hungary on the road to an enlarged Europe
A Krizsan, V Zentai
Policy studies 27 (2), 135-151, 2006
Frames in contestation: Gendering domestic violence policies in five Central and Eastern European countries
A Krizsan, RM Popa
Violence against women 20 (7), 758-782, 2014
The gender politics of domestic violence: Feminists engaging the state in central and Eastern Europe
A Krizsán, C Roggeband, RM Popa
Routledge, 2017
Domestic violence: A public matter
A Krizsan, M Bustelo, A Hadjiyanni, F Kamoutsi
Multiple meanings of gender equality: A critical frame analysis of gender …, 2007
The selective closure of civic space
C Roggeband, A Krizsán
Global Policy 12, 23-33, 2021
From formal adoption to enforcement. Post-accession shifts in EU impact on Hungary in the equality policy field
A Krizsan
European Integration online Papers (EIoP), 2009
Gendering Democratic Backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe. A comparative agenda
A Krizsan
CEU CPS E-book Series., 2019
Critical frame analysis: A comparative methodology for the QUING project
T Dombos, A Krizsán, M Verloo, V Zentai
Center for Policy Studies Working Paper Series. Budapest: Central European …, 2012
Institutionalizing intersectionality: A theoretical framework
A Krizsan, H Skjeie, J Squires
Institutionalizing intersectionality: The changing nature of European …, 2012
Equality architectures in Central and Eastern European countries: A framework for analyzing political intersectionality in Europe
A Krizsan
Social Politics 19 (4), 539-571, 2012
Gender equality and family in European populist radical-right agendas: European parliamentary debates 2014
A Krizsán, B Siim
Gender and generational division in EU citizenship, 39-59, 2018
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