The multi-modal traffic assignment problem. HZ Aashtiani Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979 | 205 | 1979 |
Application of dwell time functions in transit assignment model HZ Aashtiani, H Iravani Transportation research record 1817 (1), 88-92, 2002 | 65 | 2002 |
Solving detour‐based fuel stations location problems A Zockaie, HZ Aashtiani, M Ghamami, Y Nie Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 31 (2), 132-144, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Dynamic penalty function method for the side constrained traffic assignment problem AH Shahpar, HZ Aashtiani, A Babazadeh Applied Mathematics and Computation 206 (1), 332-345, 2008 | 46 | 2008 |
A linearization and decomposition algorithm for computing urban traffic equilibria HZ Aashtiani, TL Magnanti Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Operations Research Center, 1983 | 37 | 1983 |
Implementing primal-dual network flow algorithms HZ Aashtiani, TL Magnanti Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Operations Research Center, 1976 | 31 | 1976 |
A complementarity equilibrium model for electric vehicles with charging S Bahrami, HZ Aashtiani, M Nourinejad, MJ Roorda International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 6 (4), 255-271, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Use of intersection delay functions to improve reliability of traffic assignment model HZ Aashtiani, H Iravani 14th annual international EMME/2 conference, Chicago, Illinois, 1-6, 1999 | 25 | 1999 |
Algorithm for equilibrium transit assignment problem A Babazadeh, HZ Aashtiani Transportation research record 1923 (1), 227-235, 2005 | 23 | 2005 |
Path-differentiated pricing in congestion mitigation M Zangui, HZ Aashtiani, S Lawphongpanich, Y Yin Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 80, 202-219, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
A Shor-term Management strategy for Improving transit network efficiency A Samimi, HZ Aashtiani, AK Mohammadian American Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (2), 241, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Braess' phenomenon in the management of networks and dissociation of equilibrium concepts HZ Aashtiani, H Poorzahedy* Transportation planning and technology 27 (6), 469-482, 2004 | 16 | 2004 |
Development of a delay model for unsignalized intersections applicable to traffic assignment AH Shahpar, HZ Aashtiani, A Faghri Transportation planning and technology 34 (5), 497-507, 2011 | 13 | 2011 |
Estimating the minimal revenue tolls in large-scale roadway networks using the dynamic penalty function method M Shirazi, HZ Aashtiani, L Quadrifoglio Computers & Industrial Engineering 107, 120-127, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
The Multi-Modal Traffic Assignment Problem HZ Aashtiani unpublished Ph. D. dissertation, MIT, 1979 | 11 | 1979 |
Complementarity formulation and solution algorithm for auto-transit assignment problem A Zarrinmehr, HZ Aashtiani, Y Nie, H Azizian Transportation Research Record 2673 (4), 384-397, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Application of paths information in network design problem P Izadpanah, HZ Aashtiani Journal of transportation engineering 138 (7), 863-870, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Solving the minimum toll revenue problem in real transportation networks M Shirazi, HZ Aashtiani Optimization Letters 9, 1187-1197, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Creating bus timetables with maximum synchronization M Mollanejad, HZ Aashtiani, H Rezaeestakhruie Transportation Research Board 90th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Passenger Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation Employing the Path-Based Formulation of Transit Assignment Problem A Babazadeh, MA Khodakarami, HZ Aashtiani 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board of the National …, 2010 | 7 | 2010 |