Approach by localization and multiobjective evolutionary optimization for flexible job-shop scheduling problems I Kacem, S Hammadi, P Borne IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2002 | 1097 | 2002 |
Pareto-optimality approach for flexible job-shop scheduling problems: hybridization of evolutionary algorithms and fuzzy logic I Kacem, S Hammadi, P Borne Mathematics and computers in simulation 60 (3-5), 245-276, 2002 | 788 | 2002 |
Modélisation et identification des processus P Borne, G Dauhin-Tanguy, F Rotella, I Zambettakis, JP Richard Editions Technip, 1992 | 257 | 1992 |
Tuning PID controller using multiobjective ant colony optimization I Chiha, N Liouane, P Borne Applied computational Intelligence and soft computing 2012 (1), 536326, 2012 | 185 | 2012 |
Commande et optimisation des processus P Borne, G Dauphin-Tanguy, JP Richard, F Rotella, I Zambettakis Méthodes et techniques de l'ingénieur(Paris), 1990 | 183 | 1990 |
Influence of a jerk controlled movement law on the vibratory behaviour of high-dynamics systems PJ Barre, R Bearee, P Borne, E Dumetz Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 42, 275-293, 2005 | 137 | 2005 |
Large scale systems stability under structural and singular perturbations LT Grujic, AA Martynyuk, M Ribbens-Pavella, P BORNE Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 92, 1987 | 136 | 1987 |
On observer-based secure communication design using discrete-time hyperchaotic systems RL Filali, M Benrejeb, P Borne Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19 (5), 1424-1432, 2014 | 132 | 2014 |
Analyse et régulation des processus industriels P Borne, G Dauphin-Tanguy, JP Richard, I Rotella, Frédéric.Zambettakis Edition Technip, 1993 | 132 | 1993 |
Ant systems & local search optimization for flexible job shop scheduling production N Liouane, I Saad, S Hammadi, P Borne International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 2 (2), 174-184, 2007 | 131 | 2007 |
Intelligent systems, control and automation: science and engineering SG Tzafestas, P Borne Springer Science+ Business Media Dordrecht, Berlin, 2012 | 122 | 2012 |
Evolutionary algorithms for job-shop scheduling K Mesghouni, S Hammadi, P Borne International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 14 (1), 91-103, 2004 | 117 | 2004 |
Robust gain scheduling controller for pitch regulated variable speed wind turbine F Lescher, JY Zhao, P Borne Studies in Informatics and control 14 (4), 299, 2005 | 102 | 2005 |
Les réseaux de neurones: présentation et applications P Borne, M Benrejeb, J Haggège Editions OPHRYS, 2008 | 101 | 2008 |
Théorie et pratique du calcul matriciel F Rotella, P Borne Editions technip, 1995 | 101 | 1995 |
Switching LPV controllers for a variable speed pitch regulated wind turbine F Lescher, JY Zhao, P Borne The Proceedings of the Multiconference on" Computational Engineering in …, 2006 | 88 | 2006 |
Stability domains LT Gruyitch, JP Richard, P Borne, JC Gentina CRC Press, 2003 | 87 | 2003 |
Decision support system for urban transportation networks P Borne, B Fayech, S Hammadi, S Maouche IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2003 | 81 | 2003 |
Evolution programs for job-shop scheduling K Mesghouni, S Hammadi, P Borne 1997 IEEE international conference on systems, man, and cybernetics …, 1997 | 80 | 1997 |
Introduction à la commande floue P Borne, J Rozinoer, JY Dieulot, L Dubois Editions technip, 1998 | 78 | 1998 |