Framing effects of television news coverage of social protest DM McLeod, BH Detenber Journal of communication 49 (3), 3-23, 1999 | 843 | 1999 |
A bio-informational theory of emotion: Motion and image size effects on viewers. BH Detenber, B Reeves Journal of Communication, 1996 | 375 | 1996 |
Rethinking the social distance corollary: Perceived likelihood of expsoure and the third-person perception WP Eveland Jr, AI Nathanson, BH Detenber, DM McLeod Communication Research 26 (3), 275-302, 1999 | 370 | 1999 |
Roll ‘em!: The effects of picture motion on emotional responses BH Detenber, RF Simons, GG Bennett Jr Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 42 (1), 113-127, 1998 | 358 | 1998 |
Behind the third‐person effect: Differentiating perceptual processes for self and other DM McLeod, BH Detenber, WP Eveland Jr Journal of Communication 51 (4), 678-695, 2001 | 304 | 2001 |
Emotion processing in three systems: The medium and the message RF Simons, BH Detenber, TM Roedema, JE Reiss Psychophysiology 36 (5), 619-627, 1999 | 280 | 1999 |
Individual‐level predictors of public outspokenness: A test of the spiral of silence theory in Singapore L Willnat, W Lee, BH Detenber International Journal of Public Opinion Research 14 (4), 391-412, 2002 | 202 | 2002 |
The impact of synchronicity and civility in online political discussions on perceptions and intentions to participate EWJ Ng, BH Detenber Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 10 (3), JCMC1033, 2005 | 196 | 2005 |
Getting to know you: exploring the development of relational intimacy in computer‐mediated communication BH Lee, LC Sim, TMK Tan, BH Detenber Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 9 (3), 00-00, 2004 | 195 | 2004 |
Attention to television: Alpha power and its relationship to image motion and emotional content RF Simons, BH Detenber, BN Cuthbert, DD Schwartz, JE Reiss Media psychology 5 (3), 283-301, 2003 | 165 | 2003 |
The emotional significance of color in television presentations BH Detenber, RF Simons, JE Reiss Media psychology 2 (4), 331-355, 2000 | 128 | 2000 |
Seeking information about climate change: Effects of media use in an extended PRISM SS Ho, BH Detenber, S Rosenthal, EWJ Lee Science Communication 36 (3), 270-295, 2014 | 115 | 2014 |
Frame intensity effects of television news stories about a high-visibility protest issue BH Detenber, MR Gotlieb, DM McLeod, O Malinkina Mass Communication & Society 10 (4), 439-460, 2007 | 110 | 2007 |
Doing the right thing online: a survey of bloggers' ethical beliefs and practices M Cenite, BH Detenber, AWK Koh, ALH Lim, NE Soon New Media & Society 11 (4), 575-597, 2009 | 103 | 2009 |
Singaporeans’ attitudes toward lesbians and gay men and their tolerance of media portrayals of homosexuality BH Detenber, M Cenite, MKY Ku, CPL Ong, HY Tong, MLH Yeow International Journal of Public Opinion Research 19 (3), 367-379, 2007 | 95 | 2007 |
Framing the battle for the White House: A comparison of two national newspapers’ coverage of the 2000 United States presidential election F Gan, JL Teo, BH Detenber Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands) 67 (5), 441-467, 2005 | 80 | 2005 |
Influence of value predispositions, interpersonal contact, and mediated exposure on public attitudes toward homosexuals in S ingapore BH Detenber, SS Ho, RL Neo, S Malik, M Cenite Asian Journal of Social Psychology 16 (3), 181-196, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Audience segmentation for campaign design: Addressing climate change in Singapore BH Detenber, S Rosenthal, Y Liao, SS Ho | 74 | 2016 |
A cross-cultural test of the spiral of silence theory in Singapore and the United States W Lee, BH Detenber, L Willnat, S Aday, J Graf Asian Journal of Communication 14 (2), 205-226, 2004 | 73 | 2004 |
# sustainablefashion–a conceptual framework for sustainable fashion discourse on Twitter J Orminski, EC Tandoc Jr, BH Detenber Environmental Communication 15 (1), 115-132, 2021 | 71 | 2021 |