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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 30 (5), 709, 1997
419 1997 Optical properties of gold clusters in the size range 2–4 nm B Palpant, B Prével, J Lermé, E Cottancin, M Pellarin, M Treilleux, A Perez, ...
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Physical review letters 85 (10), 2200, 2000
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182 1998 Optical properties of (Au x Ag 1− x) n clusters embedded in alumina: evolution with size and stoichiometry M Gaudry, J Lermé, E Cottancin, M Pellarin, JL Vialle, M Broyer, B Prével, ...
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The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 1998
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