Lionel Benoit
Lionel Benoit
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Hivatkozott rá
Monitoring landslide displacements with the Geocube wireless network of low-cost GPS
L Benoit, P Briole, O Martin, C Thom, JP Malet, P Ulrich
Engineering geology 195, 111-121, 2015
Stochastic rainfall modeling at sub‐kilometer scale
L Benoit, D Allard, G Mariethoz
Water Resources Research 54 (6), 4108-4130, 2018
A high-resolution image time series of the Gorner Glacier–Swiss Alps–derived from repeated unmanned aerial vehicle surveys
L Benoit, A Gourdon, R Vallat, I Irarrazaval, M Gravey, B Lehmann, ...
Earth System Science Data 11 (2), 579-588, 2019
Multi-method monitoring of Glacier d’Argentière dynamics
L Benoit, A Dehecq, HT Pham, F Vernier, E Trouvé, L Moreau, O Martin, ...
Annals of Glaciology 56 (70), 118-128, 2015
Real-time deformation monitoring by a wireless network of low-cost GPS
L Benoit, P Briole, O Martin, C Thom
Journal of Applied Geodesy 8 (2), 119-128, 2014
A geostatistical approach to estimate high resolution nocturnal bird migration densities from a weather radar network
R Nussbaumer, L Benoit, G Mariethoz, F Liechti, S Bauer, B Schmid
Remote Sensing 11 (19), 2233, 2019
Quantifying year-round nocturnal bird migration with a fluid dynamics model
R Nussbaumer, S Bauer, L Benoit, G Mariethoz, F Liechti, B Schmid
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (179), 20210194, 2021
Benefits from high-density rain gauge observations for hydrological response analysis in a small alpine catchment
A Michelon, L Benoit, H Beria, N Ceperley, B Schaefli
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (4), 2301-2325, 2021
Generating synthetic rainfall with geostatistical simulations
L Benoit, G Mariethoz
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 4 (2), e1199, 2017
Dealing with non-stationarity in sub-daily stochastic rainfall models
L Benoit, M Vrac, G Mariethoz
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (11), 5919-5933, 2018
Nonstationary stochastic rain type generation: accounting for climate drivers
L Benoit, M Vrac, G Mariethoz
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (5), 2841-2854, 2020
Bimodal pattern of seismicity detected at the ocean margin of an Antarctic ice shelf
D Lombardi, L Benoit, T Camelbeeck, O Martin, C Meynard, C Thom
Geophysical Journal International 206 (2), 1375-1381, 2016
Stochastic daily rainfall generation on tropical islands with complex topography
L Benoit, L Sichoix, AD Nugent, MP Lucas, TW Giambelluca
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-22, 2021
Positionnement GPS précis et en temps-réel dans le contexte de réseaux de capteurs sans fil type Geocube: application à des objets géophysiques de taille kilométrique
L Benoît
Ecole normale supérieure-ENS PARIS, 2014
Analyse de" Time-Lapse" stéréo pour la mesure de déformation 3D, application au suivi du glacier d'Argentière
HT Pham, H He, F Vernier, E Trouvé, L Benoit, L Moreau, B Girard
Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA) 2014, 2014
Brief communication: the potential use of low-cost acoustic sensors in short-term urban flood warnings
N Peleg, H Torelló-Sentelles, G Mariéthoz, L Benoit, JP Leitão, F Marra
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2022, 1-11, 2022
Radar and rain gauge data fusion based on disaggregation of radar imagery
L Benoit
Water Resources Research 57 (2), e2020WR027899, 2021
High space-time resolution observation of extreme orographic rain gradients in a Pacific Island catchment
L Benoit, M Lucas, H Tseng, YF Huang, YP Tsang, AD Nugent, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 546246, 2021
Sub-daily rainfall patterns in the mountainous regions of the Island of Tahiti: Insights from a one-year rain gauge network expansion
L Benoit, L Sichoix
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 50, 101559, 2023
Temporary densification of a rain gauge network to gain knowledge about orographic rain enhancement on the Island of Tahiti-French Polynesia
L Sichoix, L Benoit
Authorea Preprints, 2022
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