Pawel Andrzej Herman
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Gamma and beta bursts underlie working memory
M Lundqvist, J Rose, P Herman, SL Brincat, TJ Buschman, EK Miller
Neuron 90 (1), 152-164, 2016
Applying a brain-computer interface to support motor imagery practice in people with stroke for upper limb recovery: a feasibility study
G Prasad, P Herman, D Coyle, S McDonough, J Crosbie
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 7, 1-17, 2010
Comparative analysis of spectral approaches to feature extraction for EEG-based motor imagery classification
P Herman, G Prasad, TM McGinnity, D Coyle
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 16 (4 …, 2008
Gamma and beta bursts during working memory readout suggest roles in its volitional control
M Lundqvist, P Herman, MR Warden, SL Brincat, EK Miller
Nature communications 9 (1), 394, 2018
Working memory: delay activity, yes! Persistent activity? Maybe not
M Lundqvist, P Herman, EK Miller
Journal of neuroscience 38 (32), 7013-7019, 2018
Theta and gamma power increases and alpha/beta power decreases with memory load in an attractor network model
M Lundqvist, P Herman, A Lansner
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 23 (10), 3008-3020, 2011
Characterizing deep-learning I/O workloads in TensorFlow
SWD Chien, S Markidis, CP Sishtla, L Santos, P Herman, ...
2018 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data …, 2018
The language of smell: Connecting linguistic and psychophysical properties of odor descriptors
G Iatropoulos, P Herman, A Lansner, J Karlgren, M Larsson, JK Olofsson
Cognition 178, 37-49, 2018
Using motor imagery based brain-computer interface for post-stroke rehabilitation
G Prasad, P Herman, D Coyle, S McDonough, J Crosbie
2009 4th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 258-262, 2009
Designing an interval type-2 fuzzy logic system for handling uncertainty effects in brain–computer interface classification of motor imagery induced EEG patterns
PA Herman, G Prasad, TM McGinnity
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 25 (1), 29-42, 2016
Investigation of the type-2 fuzzy logic approach to classification in an EEG-based brain-computer interface
P Herman, G Prasad, TM McGinnity
2005 IEEE engineering in medicine and biology 27th annual conference, 5354-5357, 2006
Nested theta to gamma oscillations and precise spatiotemporal firing during memory retrieval in a simulated attractor network
PA Herman, M Lundqvist, A Lansner
Brain Research 1536, 68-87, 2013
Working memory control dynamics follow principles of spatial computing
M Lundqvist, SL Brincat, J Rose, MR Warden, TJ Buschman, EK Miller, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1429, 2023
Beta: bursts of cognition
M Lundqvist, EK Miller, J Nordmark, J Liljefors, P Herman
Trends in cognitive sciences, 2024
Effect of prestimulus alpha power, phase, and synchronization on stimulus detection rates in a biophysical attractor network model
M Lundqvist, P Herman, A Lansner
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (29), 11817-11824, 2013
The ‘New Urban Science’: Towards the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary pursuit of sustainable transformations
A Karvonen, V Cvetkovic, P Herman, K Johansson, H Kjellström, ...
Urban transformations 3, 1-13, 2021
Bayesian neural networks for one-hour ahead wind power forecasting
R Mbuvha, M Jonsson, N Ehn, P Herman
2017 IEEE 6th International conference on renewable energy research and …, 2017
An indexing theory for working memory based on fast Hebbian plasticity
F Fiebig, P Herman, A Lansner
eneuro 7 (2), 2020
Automated classification of plasma regions using 3D particle energy distributions
V Olshevsky, YV Khotyaintsev, A Lalti, A Divin, GL Delzanno, S Anderzén, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (10), e2021JA029620, 2021
Design and on-line evaluation of type-2 fuzzy logic system-based framework for handling uncertainties in BCI classification
P Herman, G Prasad, TM McGinnity
2008 30th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2008
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