Review of particle physics C Patrignani, K Agashe, G Aielli, C Amsler, M Antonelli, DM Asner, H Baer, ... | 9030 | 2016 |
Relativistic Shapiro delay measurements of an extremely massive millisecond pulsar HT Cromartie, E Fonseca, SM Ransom, PB Demorest, Z Arzoumanian, ... Nature Astronomy 4 (1), 72-76, 2020 | 1633 | 2020 |
The NANOGrav 15 yr data set: Evidence for a gravitational-wave background G Agazie, A Anumarlapudi, AM Archibald, Z Arzoumanian, PT Baker, ... The Astrophysical Journal Letters 951 (1), L8, 2023 | 1330 | 2023 |
The NANOGrav 12.5 yr data set: search for an isotropic stochastic gravitational-wave background Z Arzoumanian, PT Baker, H Blumer, B Bécsy, A Brazier, PR Brook, ... The Astrophysical journal letters 905 (2), L34, 2020 | 985 | 2020 |
The NANOGrav 11-year data set: High-precision timing of 45 millisecond pulsars Z Arzoumanian, A Brazier, S Burke-Spolaor, S Chamberlin, S Chatterjee, ... The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 235 (2), 37, 2018 | 709 | 2018 |
The NANOGrav nine-year data set: mass and geometric measurements of binary millisecond pulsars E Fonseca, TT Pennucci, JA Ellis, IH Stairs, DJ Nice, SM Ransom, ... The Astrophysical Journal 832 (2), 167, 2016 | 673 | 2016 |
The NANOGrav 11 year data set: pulsar-timing constraints on the stochastic gravitational-wave background Z Arzoumanian, PT Baker, A Brazier, S Burke-Spolaor, SJ Chamberlin, ... The Astrophysical Journal 859 (1), 47, 2018 | 546 | 2018 |
The international pulsar timing array: first data release JPW Verbiest, L Lentati, G Hobbs, R van Haasteren, PB Demorest, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458 (2), 1267-1288, 2016 | 524 | 2016 |
Limits on the stochastic gravitational wave background from the North American nanohertz observatory for gravitational waves PB Demorest, RD Ferdman, ME Gonzalez, D Nice, S Ransom, IH Stairs, ... The Astrophysical Journal 762 (2), 94, 2012 | 443 | 2012 |
AION: an atom interferometer observatory and network L Badurina, E Bentine, D Blas, K Bongs, D Bortoletto, T Bowcock, ... Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2020 (05), 011, 2020 | 410 | 2020 |
Review of particle physics Particle Data Group Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2022 (8), 083C01, 2022 | 389 | 2022 |
The NANOGrav nine-year data set: limits on the isotropic stochastic gravitational wave background Z Arzoumanian, A Brazier, S Burke-Spolaor, SJ Chamberlin, S Chatterjee, ... The Astrophysical Journal 821 (1), 13, 2016 | 350 | 2016 |
The stochastic background: scaling laws and time to detection for pulsar timing arrays X Siemens, J Ellis, F Jenet, JD Romano Classical and Quantum Gravity 30 (22), 224015, 2013 | 265 | 2013 |
The NANOGrav nine-year data set: observations, arrival time measurements, and analysis of 37 millisecond pulsars Z Arzoumanian, A Brazier, S Burke-Spolaor, S Chamberlin, S Chatterjee, ... The Astrophysical Journal 813 (1), 65, 2015 | 257 | 2015 |
Light curves of core-collapse supernovae with substantial mass loss using the new open-source SuperNova explosion code (SNEC) V Morozova, AL Piro, M Renzo, CD Ott, D Clausen, SM Couch, J Ellis, ... The Astrophysical Journal 814 (1), 63, 2015 | 231 | 2015 |
The NANOGrav 11 yr data set: limits on gravitational waves from individual supermassive black hole binaries K Aggarwal, Z Arzoumanian, PT Baker, A Brazier, MR Brinson, PR Brook, ... The Astrophysical Journal 880 (2), 116, 2019 | 181 | 2019 |
The local nanohertz gravitational-wave landscape from supermassive black hole binaries CMF Mingarelli, TJW Lazio, A Sesana, JE Greene, JA Ellis, CP Ma, ... Nature Astronomy 1 (12), 886-892, 2017 | 181 | 2017 |
Enterprise: Enhanced numerical toolbox enabling a robust pulsar inference suite JA Ellis, M Vallisneri, SR Taylor, PT Baker Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 1912.015, 2019 | 177 | 2019 |
Gravitational waves from individual supermassive black hole binaries in circular orbits: limits from the north american nanohertz observatory for gravitational waves Z Arzoumanian, A Brazier, S Burke-Spolaor, SJ Chamberlin, S Chatterjee, ... The Astrophysical Journal 794 (2), 141, 2014 | 158 | 2014 |
Searching for gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions with the NANOGrav 12.5-year dataset Z Arzoumanian, PT Baker, H Blumer, B Becsy, A Brazier, PR Brook, ... Physical review letters 127 (25), 251302, 2021 | 151 | 2021 |