Congenital toxoplasmosis and prenatal care state programs MM Avelino, WN Amaral, IMX Rodrigues, AR Rassi, MBF Gomes, ... BMC infectious diseases 14, 1-13, 2014 | 134 | 2014 |
Sexual dysfunction in infertile women: A systematic review and meta-analysis CR de Mendonca, JT Arruda, M Noll, PMO Campoli, WN do Amaral European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 215 …, 2017 | 80 | 2017 |
Função sexual feminina: aspectos normais e patológicos, prevalência no Brasil, diagnóstico e tratamento CR Mendonça, TM Silva, JT Arrudai, MTA Garcia-Zapata, WN Amaral Femina, 2012 | 71 | 2012 |
High Titers of Chlamydia trachomatis Antibodies in Brazilian Women with Tubal Occlusion or Previous Ectopic Pregnancy ACS Machado, EMB Guimarães, E Sakurai, FCR Fioravante, WN Amaral, ... Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology 2007 (1), 024816, 2007 | 65 | 2007 |
Maternal coronavirus infections and neonates born to mothers with SARS-CoV-2: a systematic review WN Amaral, CL Moraes, APS Rodrigues, M Noll, JT Arruda, ... Healthcare 8 (4), 511, 2020 | 63 | 2020 |
Congenital toxoplasmosis: evaluation of serological methods for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgM and IgA antibodies IMX Rodrigues, AM Castro, MBF Gomes, WN Amaral, MM Avelino Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 104, 434-440, 2009 | 51 | 2009 |
Atuação fisioterapêutica para diminuição do tempo do trabalho de parto: revisão de literatura KF Canesin, WN Amaral Femina 38 (8), 429-33, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Comparison of pelvic floor muscle strength between women undergoing vaginal delivery, cesarean section, and nulliparae using a perineometer and digital palpation EM Batista, DM Conde, WN Do Amaral, EZ Martinez Gynecological Endocrinology 27 (11), 910-914, 2011 | 46 | 2011 |
Assessment of laboratory methods used in the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis after maternal treatment with spiramycin in pregnancy IMX Rodrigues, TL Costa, JB Avelar, WN Amaral, AM Castro, MM Avelino BMC infectious diseases 14, 1-9, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Efeito de um programa de exercícios para o fortalecimento dos músculos do assoalho pélvico de multíparas TR Assis, ACAM Sá, WN Amaral, EM Batista, CKMR Formiga, DM Conde Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia 35, 10-15, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Clinical study of skin changes in low and high risk pregnant women LB Fernandes, WN Amaral Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia 90 (6), 822-826, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Alterações posturais, de equilíbrio e dor lombar no período gestacional LS Moreira, SRS Andrade, V Soares, IS Avelar, WN Amaral, MF Vieira Femina, 2011 | 38 | 2011 |
HIV, reproductive aging, and health implications in women: a literature review DM Conde, ET Silva, WN Amaral, MF Finotti, RG Ferreira, L Costa-Paiva, ... Menopause 16 (1), 199-213, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Tratamento fisioterapêutico das disfunções sexuais femininas-Revisão de literatura CR Mendonça, WN Amaral Femina, 2011 | 33 | 2011 |
Y chromosome microdeletions in Brazilian fertility clinic patients JT Arruda, BM Bordin, PR Santos, WE Mesquita, RC Silva, MC Maia, ... Genet Mol Res 6 (2), 461-9, 2007 | 31 | 2007 |
Epidemiological factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection in postpartum women treated in the public healthcare system of Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil JB Avelar, MG Silva, HHA Rezende, HR Storchilo, WN Amaral, IR Xavier, ... Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 51 (01), 57-62, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Bioética e telemedicina EF Garcia, CS Garcia, GSG Tagawa, WN do Amaral Revista Bioética Cremego 2 (1), 61-66, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Reproductive desire among women living with HIV/AIDS in Central Brazil: Prevalence and associated factors M Ramos de Souza, WN do Amaral, R Alves Guimarães, G Rezza, ... PLoS One 12 (10), e0186267, 2017 | 24 | 2017 |
Infecções de transmissão vertical em material abortivo e sangue com ênfase em Toxoplasmose gondii AA Barbaresco, TL Costa, JB Avelar, IMX Rodrigues, WN Amaral, ... Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia 36, 17-22, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Healing activity of laser InGaAlP (660nm) in rats KCB Tacon, HCO Santos, LML Parente, LC Cunha, RS Lino-Júnior, ... Acta cirurgica brasileira 26, 373-378, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |