Luca Bertazzi
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
A branch-and-cut algorithm for a vendor-managed inventory-routing problem
C Archetti, L Bertazzi, G Laporte, MG Speranza
Transportation science 41 (3), 382-391, 2007
Deterministic order-up-to level policies in an inventory routing problem
L Bertazzi, G Paletta, MG Speranza
Transportation Science 36 (1), 119-132, 2002
A hybrid heuristic for an inventory routing problem
C Archetti, L Bertazzi, A Hertz, MG Speranza
INFORMS Journal on Computing 24 (1), 101-116, 2012
Inventory routing problems: an introduction
L Bertazzi, MG Speranza
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 1, 307-326, 2012
A stochastic inventory routing problem with stock-out
L Bertazzi, A Bosco, F Guerriero, D Lagana
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 27, 89-107, 2013
Inventory routing
L Bertazzi, M Savelsbergh, MG Speranza
The vehicle routing problem: latest advances and new challenges, 49-72, 2008
Analysis of the maximum level policy in a production-distribution system
C Archetti, L Bertazzi, G Paletta, MG Speranza
Computers & Operations Research 38 (12), 1731-1746, 2011
Minimizing the total cost in an integrated vendor—Managed inventory system
L Bertazzi, G Paletta, MG Speranza
Journal of heuristics 11, 393-419, 2005
Reoptimizing the traveling salesman problem
C Archetti, L Bertazzi, MG Speranza
Networks: An International Journal 42 (3), 154-159, 2003
Minimization of logistic costs with given frequencies
L Bertazzi, MG Speranza, W Ukovich
Transportation research part B: Methodological 31 (4), 327-340, 1997
Recent challenges in Routing and Inventory Routing: E‐commerce and last‐mile delivery
C Archetti, L Bertazzi
Networks 77 (2), 255-268, 2021
Inventory routing problems with multiple customers
L Bertazzi, MG Speranza
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 2 (3), 255-275, 2013
Managing stochastic demand in an inventory routing problem with transportation procurement
L Bertazzi, A Bosco, D Laganà
Omega 56, 112-121, 2015
A matheuristic algorithm for the multi-depot inventory routing problem
L Bertazzi, LC Coelho, A De Maio, D Laganà
Transportation research part e: logistics and transportation review 122, 524-544, 2019
Stochastic optimization models for a bike-sharing problem with transshipment
F Maggioni, M Cagnolari, L Bertazzi, SW Wallace
European Journal of Operational Research 276 (1), 272-283, 2019
Continuous and discrete shipping strategies for the single link problem
L Bertazzi, MG Speranza
Transportation Science 36 (3), 314-325, 2002
Min–max vs. min–sum vehicle routing: A worst-case analysis
L Bertazzi, B Golden, X Wang
European Journal of Operational Research 240 (2), 372-381, 2015
Analysis of direct shipping policies in an inventory-routing problem with discrete shipping times
L Bertazzi
Management Science 54 (4), 748-762, 2008
Exact and heuristic solutions for a shipment problem with given frequencies
L Bertazzi, MG Speranza, W Ukovich
Management Science 46 (7), 973-988, 2000
Models and algorithms for the minimization of inventory and transportation costs: A survey
L Bertazzi, MG Speranza
New trends in distribution logistics, 137-157, 1999
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