Sequence hierarchy and facies architecture of a carbonate-ramp system: San Andres Formation of Algerita Escarpment and western Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas and New Mexico C Kerans, WM Fitchen Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, 1995 | 164 | 1995 |
Three-dimensional geological and synthetic seismic model of Early Permian redeposited basinal carbonate deposits, Victorio Canyon, west Texas X Janson, C Kerans, JA Bellian, W Fitchen AAPG bulletin 91 (10), 1405-1436, 2007 | 119 | 2007 |
Syndepositional deformation of the Permian capitan reef carbonate platform, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, USA DW Hunt, WM Fitchen, E Kosa Sedimentary Geology 154 (3-4), 89-126, 2003 | 84 | 2003 |
Styles of sequence development within uppermost Leonardian through Guadalupian strata of the Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico C Kerans, WM Fitchen, MH Gardner, MD Sonnenfeld, SW Tinker, ... West Texas Geological Society, 1992 | 84 | 1992 |
Sequence stratigraphic framework of lower permian carbonate platform margins, sierra diablo, west texas WM Fitchen, MA Starcher, RT Buffler, GL Wilde West Texas Geological Society, 1995 | 65 | 1995 |
Compaction and the dynamics of carbonate-platform development: insights from the Permian Delaware and Midland basins, Southeast New Mexico and West Texas, USA D Hunt, WM Fitchen | 58 | 1999 |
A contribution to the evolving stratigraphic framework of middle Permian strata of the Delaware Basin, Texas and New Mexico C Kerans, WM Fitchen, MH Gardner, BR Wardlaw, DW Love, JW Hawley, ... New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 44, 175-184, 1993 | 40 | 1993 |
The heterogeneity of paleocavern systems developed along syndepositional fault zones: the Upper Permian Capitan Platform, Guadalupe Mountains, USA E KoŠA, H David, BR Marie-Odile, R Gerald | 39 | 2003 |
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy and its application to hydrocarbon exploration and reservoir development WM Fitchen | 31 | 1997 |
Differential compaction as a primary control of sequence architecture and development in the Permian Basin: geological significance and potential as a hydrocarbon exploration model D Hunt, WM Fitchen, R Swarbrick, T Allsop West Texas Geological Society, 1995 | 24 | 1995 |
Sequence stratigraphic framework of the upper San Andres Formation and equivalent basinal strata in the Brokeoff Mountains, Otero County, New Mexico WM Fitchen Carlsbad region, New Mexico and West Texas: New Mexico Geological Society …, 1993 | 24 | 1993 |
Lower Permian sequence stratigraphy of the western Delaware Basin margin, Sierra Diablo, west Texas WM Fitchen The University of Texas at Austin, 1997 | 22 | 1997 |
High-frequency sequence framework of Cretaceous (Albian) carbonate ramp reservoir analog outcrops, Pecos River Canyon, northwestern Gulf of Mexico Basin C Kerans, W Fitchen, L Zahm, K Kempter The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Field Trip …, 1995 | 16 | 1995 |
Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration in the Tampico-Misantla Basin and Sierra Madre Oriental, East-Central Mexico: Evidence From an Exhumed Oil Field in the Sierra De El Abra DA Yurewicz, RJ Chuchla, M Richardson, RJ Pottorf, GG Gray, MG Kozar, ... Dallas Geological Society, 1997 | 14 | 1997 |
Evolution of platform and basin architecture in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sequences: Latest Leonardian through Guadalupian, Delaware Basin (abs.) WM Fitchen, MH Gardner, C Kerans, L Little, MD Sonnenfeld, SW Tinker, ... American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1992 | 12 | 1992 |
Lower Permian sequence stratigraphy of the western Delaware Basin margin WM Fitchen Sierra Diablo, west Texas: Ph. D. thesis, 264, 1997 | 11 | 1997 |
Hydrocarbon generation and migration in the Tampico segment of the Sierra Madre Oriental fold-thrust belt: Evidence from an exhumed oil field in the Sierra de El Abra RJ Pottorf, GG Gray, MG Kozar, WM Fitchen, M Richardson, RJ Chuchla, ... Mem. del V Congresso Latino-americano de Geoquimica Organica, 100-1001, 1996 | 11 | 1996 |
Production from Cretaceous High-Permeability Carbonate Grainstones-Alabama Ferry North Unit, Leon County, Texas WM Fitchen, DG Bebout, DR Prezbindowski REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS-UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS BUREAU OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 241 …, 1997 | 10 | 1997 |
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper San Andres Formation and Cherry Canyon Tongue (Permian, Guadalupian), Southern Brokeoff Mountains, New Mexico WM Fitchen University of Texas at Austin, 1992 | 10 | 1992 |
Novel Methodology for Full-Field Production Forecasting in a Large Steamflood Project in Sultanate of Oman W Wang, E Zhang, B Fitchen SPE EOR Conference at Oil and Gas West Asia, SPE-129501-MS, 2010 | 6 | 2010 |