Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Sherman S. M. ChowTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 25
Outsourced Biometric Identification with Privacy
S Hu, M Li, Q Wang, SSM Chow, M Du
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 13 (10), 2448-2463, 2018
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Securely Outsourcing Exponentiations with Single Untrusted Program for Cloud Storage
Y Wang, Q Wu, DS Wong, B Qin, SSM Chow, Z Liu, X Tan
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), 326-343, 2014
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Updatable Block-Level Message-Locked Encryption
Y Zhao, SSM Chow
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (4), 1620-1631, 2019
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Privacy-Preserving Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Indoor Localization
T Zhang, SSM Chow, Z Zhou, M Li
International Workshop on Security (IWSEC), 215-233, 2016
Megbízások: US National Science Foundation, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Stargazing in the Dark: Secure Skyline Queries with SGX
J Wang, M Du, SSM Chow
Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA), 322-338, 2020
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Combiners for Chosen-Ciphertext Security
C Zhang, D Cash, X Wang, X Yu, SSM Chow
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON), 257-268, 2016
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Towards Proofs of Ownership Beyond Bounded Leakage
Y Zhao, SSM Chow
International Conference on Provable Security, 340-350, 2016
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Secure-Computation-Friendly Private Set Intersection from Oblivious Compact Graph Evaluation
JPK Ma, SSM Chow
17th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 1086-1097, 2022
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Parallel and Dynamic Structured Encryption
RWF Lai, SSM Chow
Security and Privacy in Communication Systems (SecureComm), 219-238, 2016
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
LDSP: Shopping with Cryptocurrency Privately and Quickly under Leadership
LKL Ng, SSM Chow, DPH Wong, APY Woo
41st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS …, 2021
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Structure-Preserving Certificateless Encryption and Its Application
T Zhang, H Wu, SSM Chow
Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference (CT-RSA), 1-22, 2019
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Access Control Encryption from Group Encryption
X Wang, HWH Wong, SSM Chow
Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) 2021 Proceedings Part I …, 2021
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
All-but-One Dual Projective Hashing and Its Applications
Z Zhang, Y Chen, SSM Chow, G Hanaoka, Z Cao, Y Zhao
Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS), 181-198, 2014
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Towards Anonymous Ciphertext Indistinguishability with Identity Leakage
TH Yuen, C Zhang, SSM Chow, JK Liu
Provable Security, 139-153, 2013
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Systematic Market Control of Cryptocurrency Inflations
S Tang, SSM Chow
2nd ACM Workshop on Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, and Contracts, 61-63, 2018
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Secure Strategyproof Ascending-Price Spectrum Auction
J Wang, SSM Chow
1st IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC), 96-106, 2017
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Privacy-Preserving Multi-pattern Matching
T Zhang, X Wang, SSM Chow
Security and Privacy in Communication Systems (SecureComm), 199-218, 2016
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Shielding Graph for eXact Analytics with SGX
M Du, P Jiang, Q Wang, SSM Chow, L Zhao
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 20 (6), 5102-5112, 2023
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Fast-to-Finalize Nakamoto-Like Consensus
S Tang, SSM Chow, Z Liu, JK Liu
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 271-288, 2019
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
SSM Chow
1st International Conference on Frontiers in Cyber Security (FCS), 3-6, 2018
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
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