Rewilding complex ecosystems A Perino, HM Pereira, LM Navarro, N Fernández, JM Bullock, S Ceaușu, ... Science 364 (6438), eaav5570, 2019 | 553 | 2019 |
Action needed for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges G Pe'er, A Bonn, H Bruelheide, P Dieker, N Eisenhauer, PH Feindt, ... People and nature 2 (2), 305-316, 2020 | 519 | 2020 |
A greener path for the EU Common Agricultural Policy G Pe'Er, Y Zinngrebe, F Moreira, C Sirami, S Schindler, R Müller, ... Science 365 (6452), 449-451, 2019 | 491 | 2019 |
Overcoming the rare species modelling paradox: A novel hierarchical framework applied to an Iberian endemic plant A Lomba, L Pellissier, C Randin, J Vicente, F Moreira, J Honrado, ... Biological conservation 143 (11), 2647-2657, 2010 | 277 | 2010 |
Mapping and monitoring high nature value farmlands: challenges in European landscapes A Lomba, C Guerra, J Alonso, JP Honrado, R Jongman, D McCracken Journal of Environmental Management 143, 140-150, 2014 | 181 | 2014 |
Adapting forest management to climate change in Europe: Linking perceptions to adaptive responses R Sousa-Silva, B Verbista, A Lomba, P Valent, M Suškevičs, O Picard, ... Forest Policy and Economics 90, 22-30, 2018 | 150 | 2018 |
Back to the future: rethinking socioecological systems underlying high nature value farmlands A Lomba, F Moreira, S Klimek, RHG Jongman, C Sullivan, J Moran, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18 (1), 36-42, 2020 | 126 | 2020 |
Where will conflicts between alien and rare species occur after climate and land-use change? A test with a novel combined modelling approach J Vicente, CF Randin, J Gonçalves, MJ Metzger, Â Lomba, J Honrado, ... Biological invasions 13, 1209-1227, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
Action needed for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges (Preprint version) G Pe'er, A Bonn, H Bruelheide, P Dieker, N Eisenhauer, PH Feindt, ... Zenodo, 2020 | 96* | 2020 |
Is the CAP Fit for purpose G Pe’er, S Lakner, R Müller, G Passoni, V Bontzorlos, D Clough, ... An evidence-based fitness-check assessment, 1-20, 2017 | 93 | 2017 |
Reconciling nature conservation and traditional farming practices: a spatially explicit framework to assess the extent of High Nature Value farmlands in the European countryside A Lomba, P Alves, RHG Jongman, DI McCracken Ecology and evolution 5 (5), 1031-1044, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 1. Introducing biological invasions and the IPBES thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control HE Roy, A Pauchard, P Stoett, TR Truong, T Lipinskaya, JR Vincete, ... | 81 | 2023 |
Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats I Biurrun, R Pielech, I Dembicz, F Gillet, Ł Kozub, C Marcenò, T Reitalu, ... Journal of Vegetation Science 32 (4), e13050, 2021 | 80 | 2021 |
Is the CAP Fit for purpose? An evidence-based fitness-check assessment G Pe’er, S Lakner, R Müller, G Passoni, V Bontzorlos, D Clough, ... German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Leipzig, 2017 | 80 | 2017 |
Potential of satellite-derived ecosystem functional attributes to anticipate species range shifts D Alcaraz-Segura, A Lomba, R Sousa-Silva, D Nieto-Lugilde, P Alves, ... International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 57, 86-92, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Improving the assessment and reporting on rare and endangered species through species distribution models R Sousa-Silva, P Alves, J Honrado, A Lomba Global Ecology and Conservation 2, 226-237, 2014 | 74 | 2014 |
Making the best of both worlds: Can high-resolution agricultural administrative data support the assessment of High Nature Value farmlands across Europe? A Lomba, M Strohbachc, S Jerrentrup, J Dauberd, S Klimek, ... Ecological Indicators 72, 118-130, 2017 | 68 | 2017 |
Endemic sand dune vegetation of the Northwest Iberian Peninsula: diversity, dynamics, and significance for bioindication and monitoring of coastal landscapes A Lomba, P Alves, J Honrado Journal of Coastal Research, 113-121, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
Evaluating an unmanned aerial vehicle‐based approach for assessing habitat extent and condition in fine‐scale early successional mountain mosaics J Gonçalves, R Henriques, P Alves, R Sousa‐Silva, AT Monteiro, ... Applied Vegetation Science 19 (1), 132-146, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |
Current and future conflicts between eucalypt plantations and high biodiversity areas in the Iberian Peninsula E Deus, JS Silva, P Castro-Díez, A Lomba, ML Ortiz, J Vicente Journal for Nature Conservation 45, 107-117, 2018 | 49 | 2018 |