Mario Gutierrez Bedmar
Mario Gutierrez Bedmar
Ismeretlen szervezet
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Hivatkozott rá
Iron: protector or risk factor for cardiovascular disease? Still controversial
C Muñoz-Bravo, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, J Gómez-Aracena, ...
Nutrients 5 (7), 2384-2404, 2013
Heavy metal concentrations in the general population of Andalusia, South of Spain: a comparison with the population within the area of influence of Aznalcóllar mine spill (SW …
F Gil, LF Capitán-Vallvey, E De Santiago, J Ballesta, A Pla, AF Hernández, ...
Science of the Total Environment 372 (1), 49-57, 2006
Proceso INFORNUT®: validación de la fase de filtro-FILNUT-y comparación con otros métodos de detección precoz de desnutrición hospitalaria
JL Villalobos Gámez, JM García-Almeida, JM Guzmán de Damas, ...
Nutrición hospitalaria 21 (4), 491-504, 2006
Nutritional adequacy according to carbohydrates and fat quality
A Sánchez-Tainta, I Zazpe, M Bes-Rastrollo, J Salas-Salvadó, M Bullo, ...
European journal of nutrition 55, 93-106, 2016
Entorno psicosocial y estrés en trabajadores sanitarios de la sanidad pública: diferencias entre atención primaria y hospitalaria
A García-Rodríguez, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, JÁ Bellón-Saameno, ...
Atención Primaria 47 (6), 359-366, 2015
Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment and Mediterranean diet. A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis
N García-Casares, P Gallego Fuentes, MÁ Barbancho, R López-Gigosos, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 10 (20), 4642, 2021
Health-related quality of life in caregivers of patients with Alzheimer disease
FJ Garzón-Maldonado, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, N García-Casares, ...
Neurología (English Edition) 32 (8), 508-515, 2017
Dietary total antioxidant capacity and mortality in the PREDIMED study
P Henríquez-Sánchez, A Sánchez-Villegas, C Ruano-Rodríguez, A Gea, ...
European journal of nutrition 55, 227-236, 2016
Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en cuidadores de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer
FJ Garzón-Maldonado, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, N García-Casares, ...
Neurología 32 (8), 508-515, 2017
Toenail cerium levels and risk of a first acute myocardial infarction: the EURAMIC and heavy metals study
J Gomez-Aracena, RA Riemersma, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, P Bode, JD Kark, ...
Chemosphere 64 (1), 112-120, 2006
Does the Mediterranean diet counteract the adverse effects of abdominal adiposity?
S Eguaras, E Toledo, P Buil-Cosiales, J Salas-Salvado, D Corella, ...
Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 25 (6), 569-574, 2015
Predicción de la evolución de la bronquiolitis por virus respiratorio sincitial en lactantes menores de 6 meses
JM Ramos-Fernández, D Moreno-Pérez, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, ...
Revista española de salud pública 91, 201701006, 2017
Mercury exposure and risk of cardiovascular disease: a nested case-control study in the PREDIMED (PREvention with MEDiterranean Diet) study
MK Downer, MA Martínez-González, A Gea, M Stampfer, J Warnberg, ...
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 17, 1-11, 2017
Psychosocial stress environment and health workers in public health: Differences between primary and hospital care
A García-Rodríguez, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, JÁ Bellón-Saameño, ...
Atención Primaria 47 (6), 359-366, 2014
Epidemiología de los ingresos por bronquiolitis en el sur de Europa: análisis de las epidemias 2010-2015
JM Ramos-Fernández, E Pedrero-Segura, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, ...
Anales de Pediatría 87 (5), 260-268, 2017
Weight status and psychological distress in a Mediterranean Spanish population: a symmetric U-shaped relationship
EV Martínez, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, A García-Rodríguez, A Mariscal, ...
Nutrients 6 (4), 1662-1677, 2014
Longitudinal changes in Mediterranean diet and transition between different obesity phenotypes
J Konieczna, A Yañez, M Moñino, N Babio, E Toledo, ...
Clinical Nutrition 39 (3), 966-975, 2020
Road traffic injuries, mobility and gender. Patterns of risk in Southern Europe
G González-Sánchez, E Maeso-González, MI Olmo-Sánchez, ...
Journal of Transport & Health 8, 35-43, 2018
Brain functional connectivity is modified by a hypocaloric Mediterranean diet and physical activity in obese women
N García-Casares, MR Bernal-López, N Roé-Vellvé, M Gutiérrez-Bedmar, ...
Nutrients 9 (7), 685, 2017
Traffic injury risk based on mobility patterns by gender, age, mode of transport and type of road
G González-Sánchez, MI Olmo-Sánchez, E Maeso-González, ...
Sustainability 13 (18), 10112, 2021
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