Benders decomposition for the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem RS de Camargo, G Miranda Jr, HP Luna Computers & operations research 35 (4), 1047-1064, 2008 | 230 | 2008 |
Benders decomposition for hub location problems with economies of scale RS De Camargo, G de Miranda Jr, HPL Luna Transportation Science 43 (1), 86-97, 2009 | 150 | 2009 |
Multiple allocation hub-and-spoke network design under hub congestion RS de Camargo, G Miranda Jr, RPM Ferreira, HP Luna Computers & Operations Research 36 (12), 3097-3106, 2009 | 144 | 2009 |
A new formulation and an exact approach for the many-to-many hub location-routing problem RS de Camargo, G de Miranda, A Løkketangen Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (12-13), 7465-7480, 2013 | 140 | 2013 |
An improved Benders decomposition algorithm for the tree of hubs location problem EM de Sá, RS de Camargo, G de Miranda European Journal of Operational Research 226 (2), 185-202, 2013 | 139 | 2013 |
The hub line location problem E Martins de Sá, I Contreras, JF Cordeau, R Saraiva de Camargo, ... Transportation Science 49 (3), 500-518, 2015 | 109 | 2015 |
Single allocation hub location problem under congestion: Network owner and user perspectives RS de Camargo, G Miranda Expert Systems with Applications 39 (3), 3385-3391, 2012 | 97 | 2012 |
Concurrent simulation and optimization models for mining planning MM Fioroni, LAG Franzese, TJ Bianchi, L Ezawa, LR Pinto, G de Miranda Simulation Conference, 2008. WSC 2008. Winter, 759-767, 2008 | 96 | 2008 |
A hybrid outer-approximation/benders decomposition algorithm for the single allocation hub location problem under congestion RS De Camargo, G de Miranda Jr, RPM Ferreira Operations Research Letters 39 (5), 329-337, 2011 | 85 | 2011 |
Multiple allocation hub location model with fixed arc costs ME O'Kelly, JF Campbell, RS de Camargo, G de Miranda Jr Geographical Analysis 47 (1), 73-96, 2015 | 59 | 2015 |
A performance guarantee heuristic for electronic components placement problems including thermal effects G Miranda, HPL Luna, GR Mateus, RPM Ferreira Computers & operations research 32 (11), 2937-2957, 2005 | 56 | 2005 |
Hub location problems with price sensitive demands ME O’Kelly, HPL Luna, RS de Camargo, G de Miranda Networks and Spatial Economics 15, 917-945, 2015 | 49 | 2015 |
Formulations and decomposition methods for the incomplete hub location network design problem with and without hop-constraints RS De Camargo, G de Miranda Jr, ME O’Kelly, JF Campbell Applied Mathematical Modelling 51, 274-301, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Multimodal hub network design with flexible routes LB Real, I Contreras, JF Cordeau, RS de Camargo, G de Miranda Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 146, 102188, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
The gateway hub location problem LB Real, M O'Kelly, G de Miranda, RS de Camargo Journal of Air Transport Management 73, 95-112, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Minimum latency problem as a shortest path problem with side constraints J Sarubbi, H Luna, G Miranda XIV Latin Ibero-American congress on operations research (CLAIO), 2008 | 15 | 2008 |
Hub location under hub congestion and demand uncertainty: the Brazilian case study G Miranda Junior, RS Camargo, LR Pinto, SV Conceição, RPM Ferreira Pesquisa Operacional 31, 319-349, 2011 | 14 | 2011 |
Flexibility evaluation of multiechelon supply chains JFF Almeida, SV Conceição, LR Pinto, RS De Camargo, GM Júnior PloS one 13 (3), e0194050, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Hub location and network design with fixed and variable costs JF Campbell, G De Miranda, RS De Camargo, ME O'Kelly 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1059-1067, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Tree network design avoiding congestion G Miranda, HP Luna, RS De Camargo, LR Pinto Applied mathematical modelling 35 (9), 4175-4188, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |