A review on reversible quantum adders F Orts, G Ortega, EF Combarro, EM Garzón
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 170, 102810, 2020
57 2020 Optimal fault-tolerant quantum comparators for image binarization F Orts, G Ortega, AC Cucura, E Filatovas, EM Garzón
The Journal of Supercomputing 77, 8433-8444, 2021
32 2021 An optimized quantum circuit for converting from sign–magnitude to two’s complement F Orts, G Ortega, EM Garzón
Quantum Information Processing 18, 1-14, 2019
17 2019 A faster half subtractor circuit using reversible quantum gates F Orts, G Ortega, EM Garzón
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing 7 (1), 99-111, 2019
17 2019 Hyperspectral image classification using Isomap with SMACOF FJ Orts Gómez, G Ortega López, E Filatovas, O Kurasova, GEM Garzón
Informatica 30 (2), 349-365, 2019
16 2019 On solving the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem: active microrheology as a case study F Orts, G Ortega, AM Puertas, I García, EM Garzón
The Journal of Supercomputing 76, 8494-8509, 2020
15 2020 Implementation of three efficient 4-digit fault-tolerant quantum carry lookahead adders F Orts, G Ortega, E Filatovas, E M. Garzón
The Journal of Supercomputing 78 (11), 13323-13341, 2022
13 2022 Finite size effects in active microrheology in colloids F Orts, G Ortega, EM Garzón, AM Puertas
Computer Physics Communications 236, 8-14, 2019
13 2019 Improving the energy efficiency of SMACOF for multidimensional scaling on modern architectures F Orts, E Filatovas, G Ortega, O Kurasova, EM Garzón
The Journal of Supercomputing 75, 1038-1050, 2019
Quantum information & computation 20 (9-10), 747-765, 2020
12 2020 A quantum circuit for solving divisions using Grover’s search algorithm F Orts, G Ortega, EM Garzón
Proc. 18th Int. Conf. Comput. Math. Method. Sci. Eng, 1-6, 2018
12 2018 Dynamics and friction of a large colloidal particle in a bath of hard spheres: Langevin dynamics simulations and hydrodynamic description F Orts, G Ortega, EM Garzón, M Fuchs, AM Puertas
Physical Review E 101 (5), 052607, 2020
11 2020 Improving the number of gates and their spread in integer multipliers on quantum computing F Orts, E Filatovas, G Ortega, JF SanJuan-Estrada, EM Garzón
Physical Review A 107 (4), 042621, 2023
8 2023 A quantum circuit to generate random numbers within a specific interval F Orts, E Filatovas, EM Garzón, G Ortega
EPJ Quantum Technology 10 (1), 17, 2023
5 2023 Fault-tolerant quantum algorithm for dual-threshold image segmentation LO López, F Orts, G Ortega, V González-Ruiz, EM Garzón
The Journal of Supercomputing 79 (11), 12549-12562, 2023
5 2023 Studying the cost of n-qubit Toffoli gates F Orts, G Ortega, EM Garzón
International Conference on Computational Science, 122-128, 2022
5 2022 Quantum annealing solution for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling with priorities and delay of task switching on machines F Orts, AM Puertas, G Ortega, EM Garzón
Future Generation Computer Systems 148, 514-523, 2023
4 2023 Quantum annealing to solve the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem F Orts, AM Puertas, EM Garzón, G Ortega
International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 165-176, 2022
4 2022 Lowering the cost of quantum comparator circuits LM Donaire, G Ortega, EM Garzón, F Orts
The Journal of Supercomputing 80 (10), 13900-13917, 2024
3 2024 Efficient design of a quantum absolute-value circuit using Clifford+ T gates F Orts, G Ortega, EF Combarro, IF Rúa, AM Puertas, EM Garzón
The Journal of Supercomputing 79 (11), 12656-12670, 2023
3 2023