Samuel Hardman Taylor
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
" Alexa is my new BFF" Social Roles, User Satisfaction, and Personification of the Amazon Echo
A Purington, JG Taft, S Sannon, NN Bazarova, SH Taylor
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
Upstanding by design: Bystander intervention in cyberbullying
D DiFranzo, SH Taylor, F Kazerooni, OD Wherry, NN Bazarova
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Enjoyment fosters media use frequency and determines its relational outcomes: Toward a synthesis of uses and gratifications theory and media multiplexity theory
AM Ledbetter, SH Taylor, JP Mazer
Computers in Human Behavior 54, 149-157, 2016
Accountability and empathy by design: Encouraging bystander intervention to cyberbullying on social media
SH Taylor, D DiFranzo, YH Choi, S Sannon, NN Bazarova
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-26, 2019
Cyberbullying bystander intervention: The number of offenders and retweeting predict likelihood of helping a cyberbullying victim
F Kazerooni, SH Taylor, NN Bazarova, J Whitlock
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 23 (3), 146-162, 2018
Social consequences of Grindr use: Extending the internet-enhanced self-disclosure hypothesis
SH Taylor, JA Hutson, TR Alicea
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
Revisiting media multiplexity: A longitudinal analysis of media use in romantic relationships
SH Taylor, NN Bazarova
Journal of Communication 68 (6), 1104-1126, 2018
Social Media and Close Relationships: A Puzzle of Connection and Disconnection
SH Taylor, P Zhao, NN Bazarova
Current Opinion in Psychology, 2022
An Initial Conceptualization of Algorithm Responsiveness: Comparing Perceptions of Algorithms Across Social Media Platforms
SH Taylor, M Choi
Social Media+ Society 8 (4), 20563051221144322, 2022
Trusting on the shoulders of open giants? Open science Increases trust in science for the public and academics
HJ Song, DM Markowitz, SH Taylor
Journal of Communication, 2022
Tracing the adoption and effects of open science in communication research
DM Markowitz, H Song, SH Taylor
Journal of Communication 71 (5), 739-763, 2021
Over-gratified, under-gratified, or just right? Applying the gratification discrepancy approach to investigate recurrent Facebook use
S Rokito, YH Choi, SH Taylor, NN Bazarova
Computers in Human Behavior 93, 76-83, 2019
Always Available, Always Attached: A Relational Perspective on the Effects of Mobile Phones and Social Media on Subjective Well-Being
SH Taylor, NN Bazarova
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 26 (4), 187-206, 2021
Extending media multiplexity theory to the extended family: Communication satisfaction and tie strength as moderators of violations of media use expectations
SH Taylor, AM Ledbetter
New Media & Society 19 (9), 1369-1387, 2017
An experimental test of how selfies change social judgments on Facebook
SH Taylor, AS Hinck, H Lim
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 20 (10), 610-614, 2017
Initial specification and empirical test of media enjoyment theory
SH Taylor, AM Ledbetter, JP Mazer
Communication Research 47 (8), 0093650217741029, 2020
A long look back: an analysis of 50 years of organizational communication research (1964-2013)
JT Garner, JP Ragland, M Leite, J Young, G Bergquist, S Summers, ...
Review of Communication Research 4, 29-64, 2016
Parenting the TikTok algorithm: An algorithm awareness as process approach to online risks and opportunities
SH Taylor, KSC Brisini
Computers in Human Behavior 150, 107975, 2024
Social Media and Subjective Well-Being: A Relational Perspective
SH Taylor, NN Bazarova
A Networked Self and Love, 86-112, 2018
Entering the Fold: Exploring the Encounter Stage in the Socialization Process within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
SH Taylor, J Young, S Summers, JT Garner, A Hinderaker
Journal of Communication & Religion 38 (3), 2015
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