Length of Study-Time Behaviour and Academic Achievement of Social Studies Education Students in the University of Uyo. DE Ukpong, IN George International Education Studies 6 (3), 172-178, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
Youth and moral values in a changing society IN George, UD Uyanga IOSR Journal of humanities and social science 19 (6), 40-44, 2014 | 98 | 2014 |
A bioactive flavonoid from Pavetta crassipes K. Schum IA Bello, GI Ndukwe, OT Audu, JD Habila Organic and medicinal chemistry letters 1, 1-5, 2011 | 84 | 2011 |
Effective classroom management and students' academic performance in secondary schools in Uyo local government area of Akwa Ibom state IN George, AO Sakirudeen, AH Sunday Research in Pedagogy 7 (1), 43-56, 2017 | 83 | 2017 |
Contemporary social problems in Nigeria and its impact on national development: Implication for guidance and counselling services IN George, DE Ukpong Journal of Educational and social Research 3 (2), 167-173, 2013 | 72 | 2013 |
Fifty years of oil exploration in Nigeria: The paradox of plenty C Udosen, AS Etok, IN George Global Journal of Social Sciences 8 (2), 37-47, 2009 | 57 | 2009 |
Cultural diversity of marriage sustainability in Nigeria: Strengths and challenges IN George, DE Ukpong, EE Imah Sociology and Anthropology 2 (1), 7-14, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Adolescents' sex differential social adjustment problems and academic performance of junior secondary school students in Uyo Metropolitan City IN George, DE Ukpong International Journal of Business and Social Science 3 (19), 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
Combating the 21st century family challenges in Nigeria for social stability through family counselling services IN George, DE Ukpong Developing Country Studies 3 (4), 52-58, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Socio-economic development of Nigeria and youth employment in 21st century: Implication for Akwa Ibom State DE Ukpong, IN George Academic Research International 3 (3), 288, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
Poverty Eradication through Entrepreneurial Guidance: Implication for Vocational Counselling in Nigeria IN George, GA Archobong CASSON 2010 Conference proceedings 1, 228-236, 2010 | 14 | 2010 |
Marital adjustment and satisfaction among Ibibio workers in Akwa-Ibom State IN George Unpublished Ph. D dissertation, Faculty of Education, University of Calabar …, 2002 | 10 | 2002 |
Professional challenges to counseling practice in Akwa Ibom State FN Modo, IN George J. Educ. Practice 4 (3), 83-89, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
The relevance of counseling practicum in counselor education programmes in Nigeria NA Udoh, IN George International Journal of Development and Sustainability 7 (15), 26-37, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Counseling for family stability IN George The Counsellor 22 (1), 99-119, 2006 | 7 | 2006 |
Socio-cultural perception and gender disparity in civil service employment in Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria DE Ukpong, IN George Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (7), 50-56, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Family, sex and marital counselling IN George Uyo: Abaam Publishing Co, 2009 | 5 | 2009 |
The prospects of professional guidance and counselling in conflict resolution IN George European journal of education and applied psychology, 53-57, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Sex education and counselling: Insights from a survey of the influence of university students’ attitudes toward sexually transmitted infections on their attitudes toward sex IN George, NA Udoh American Journal of Social Sciences 2 (6), 115-119, 2014 | 1 | 2014 |
The Agony of Puerperal Psychosis on Women in Childbirth: Implications for Counselling and Health Education IN George, FS Ekpu, EE Imah Universal Journal of Ps ychology, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |